Articles for this day of December 31, 2014

Making Necessary Changes For The New Year

Make necessary changes

As we head into the New Year, social media is filled with people posting their resolutions for the coming year.

Dieting and exercise are two of the most common things being posted. It won’t take long before the excuses begin to appear why those resolutions are going down the drain.

You have to cook for your family, so it’s hard for you to diet. Diet food is too expensive and you are too busy to follow through.

You can’t afford a gym membership, you don’t like going to the gym alone, or you are too busy. Looks like the same list, same excuses, just a different year. I, myself, have made some of those same resolutions and the excuses are very familiar. There was no list of resolutions for me this year, instead I decided to make changes.

Dieting and exercise may be what you need to change but first making changes on the inside may bring about the things you want to change on the outside.

If you are stressed, your life full of clutter and chaos, how can you expect to achieve anything? Start this year by decluttering your life, and change the way you look at yourself.

How you feel inside can truly affect the way you show yourself to others. If you are uncomfortable in your own skin, you project this to the outside world. Let’s begin to change your mindset and make you more comfortable with yourself.