Articles for this day of December 18, 2014

One Way You Might Be Trying To Save The World And Don’t Know It

Wasted Food

Two mornings ago when I got up, it was a Sufi Spiritual Retreat day for me, I went to the kitchen to make breakfast, I threw something in the rubbish bin and I saw yogurt my daughter-in-law had thrown out and I burst out crying.

At first I was angry that she hadn’t asked anyone if they wanted it, but as I calmed down I realised it was at its best by date and no one in the house would have eaten it anyway.

I realised that she was very generous with food and so this wasn’t even about her. So what was it about?

How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty

How to Say No


We’re now in the silly season, where there are a lot of obligations and commitments. So there’s lots of anxiety around saying “Yes” and “No”.

We have a number of underlying beliefs around saying No and Yes. The martyr in us will say Yes to everyone and everything, feeling burnt out, sick and exhausted at the end. They equate saying Yes with approval seeking and love.

So it may not even be the commitment they are saying yes to, but the approval seeking. There may also be the belief that if they don’t say Yes they will be abandoned and left out.