Articles for the Month of June 2019

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jun 24, 2019 – Jun 30, 2019:

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Jun 24, 2019 – Jun 30, 2019:

We start the week on Monday, with Venus squaring Neptune and inconjuncting Saturn. The Venus / Neptune square can translate as unrealistic expectations and wishful thinking — especially regarding romantic interests. You may have to check yourself if you find yourself spending too much time daydreaming or wondering “what if?” This transit is prone to flights of fantasy and can be downright delusional. It’s not the time to put your stock in people who haven’t proven themselves or who have engaged in dubious practices in the past.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jun 17, 2019 – Jun 23, 2019:

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Jun 17, 2019 – Jun 23, 2019:

We start this week with Neptune trining the North Node (and sextiling the South Node) on Monday. This transit can bring people in that you’re working through past-life karma with (South Node) or creating new karma with (North Node). Of course these are often one and the same.

Pay attention to new people coming in during this time, as well as interactions that trigger you emotionally. These are harmonious aspects (trine and sextile) that should make for pleasant interactions with others, as well as opportunities to work together.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jun 10, 2019 – Jun 16, 2019:

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Jun 10, 2019 – Jun 16. 2019:

We start this week on Monday, with a Sun / Jupiter opposition across the Gemini / Sagittarius axis.This aspect can indicate conflicts with others due to overblown egos. You may be dealing with someone who comes across as overbearing oe self-important during this time. You won’t make much headway if you try to challenge them; in fact this aspect can degenerate into a battle of wills.

With the Sun in Gemini and Jupiter in Sagittarius, politics and religious or ideological debates are likely to get heated and are unlikely to result in any meeting of the minds. Remember that ego is involved here and no one is going to want to concede defeat.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jun 3, 2019 – Jun 9, 2019:

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Jun 3, 2019 – Jun 9, 2019:

This week starts with a New Moon on Monday, at 12º Gemini 33. There are lots of positive aspects associated with the Gemini Moon: insatiable curiosity for one thing, and playfulness for another. Wit, charm and charisma for a few more. It’s also good for socializing and interacting with others. 

The New Moon phase is very much alive. Everything seems fresh and new and each experience brings with it something you hadn’t paid attention to before. It’s a time for laughter and gaiety, spontaneity and companionship.

This is especially fitting of the Gemini Moon, which is known for being restless and changeable, and now more than ever with the Moon and Mercury in mutual reception.