Articles for this day of December 1, 2014

Are You Deeply In Love With Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back?

One of the top questions I get asked as an Intuitive is from women in relationships with men who don’t love them back, or don’t treat them well. I get this question from men too.

Deep down they know they deserve better treatment, or a reciprocal level of interest, but the Soul destroying part for them is they can’t understand why they can feel soooooo in love and he doesn’t feel the same way back.

The love you feel is heavenly and surely this man must be your Soulmate, all your ducks are lined up and your heart says, he’s the one.


Learning Tarot: Picking a Deck to Work With!

tarot decks

So you’ve decided you want to learn to read Tarot! Good for you!! And maybe you’ve already bought a deck and tried giving it a go and thought “gee, I thought it might have been a little easier” or “something doesn’t seem quite right”.

This could be for a number of reasons though.. but rather than get into every single what-ifs, let’s just focus on what if it’s not the right deck for you?

Some decks are a little more visually intensive than others and some extremely minimalistic.

But when starting out, you’ll want to find something that really speaks to you but doesn’t overwhelm (or even underwhelm) you!

That is going to be the main reason why you stick or don’t stick with learning Tarot. It won’t be having to learn what the cards mean, that just comes from practice! But it’s more the way that the cards tell you things; and tell you them accurately!

Spiritual Bypassing – One Avoidance Technique You May Not Realise You Are Doing

I first heard this term on the 6 month Spiritual Development Program that I have just finished based on Sufi principles. It spoke to me and I found there was a book about it — Spiritual Bypassing: When Spirituality Disconnects Us from What Really Matters.


The term basically means that we avoid dealing with our painful feelings with the use of spiritual practises or beliefs.

I have used Spiritual Bypassing, not consciously, I’ve taken that attitude of telling people that something might be their karma, or to not to take something personally, because it’s the other person’s issue.


It all might be true, but, in that moment, it pushes people away, rather than connects them, because what is required in that moment is a sense of bonding, or compassion. Someone might be in pain and needs a hand, not a theory.
We all want to know we aren’t alone, and its far nicer to say you are sorry for something happening to someone rather than analysing why it happened to them.

THE LOVE FILES: Strengthening Boundaries

Strengthening Boundaries

NO is such an empowering word!

You may have heard the word boundaries and thought yours were good but if you have found yourself feeling you are put upon within a relationship or by others in general then you need to take another look at your boundaries.

Do you find it easy to say no and mean it?

Try it. The next time you do not want to do something and you know that if you say yes you will feel put upon and unhappy that you have done so, try saying no.

It may be difficult at first but if you keep practising saying “no” to things you do not want to do it will get easier and the payoffs to you to may be great.

The reason for this is twofold.

Firstly, you can gauge the other person’s reaction to you saying no and see how far they will try to push you to get you to do what they want. Secondly, it gives you a sense of empowerment that you can use the “no” word. The more you use it and hear yourself using it the easier it becomes to say “No”.

Psychic Addiction

psychic addiction

A lot has been written on psychic addiction and I think still more needs to be written! Psychic addiction has become a real problem for a lot of people.

It is not uncommon for someone to loose thousands of dollars and not get an accurate reading. Or even getting an accurate reading and still needing more. Like any addiction, the real underlying issue has nothing to do with a psychic reading.

The drug addict needs those drugs in order to not have to deal with emotional turmoil and uses the drugs to temporarily numb the emotional problems that are going on in their life.

Someone that is addicted to psychic readings is no different. Someone that has a psychic addiction is looking for a way to pacify fears.

Like any addiction, it starts off slowly. The most common question I see in relationship to psychic addiction is, “Are they coming back into my life” so we will work with this one. So the first time someone calls and asks this question, and especially if they are hurting from the pain of a break up, they will be in a state of fear, a state of emotional turmoil.