Articles for the Month of January 2016

Communication, A Vital Part of Every Relationship

communication vital part of relationships

We all know that communication is a vital part of every relationship, but do you really know the meaning of the word, communication.

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the correct meaning of communications is: “the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else”.

What is doesn’t mean is just talking or texting to each other.

Most couples will tell you they talk to each other, but I have to wonder how many actually listen, hear or understand what the other person is trying to convey.

There are many ways to communicate, some good and some bad. Do you know the difference? The best way form of communication is always face to face, but even that can fail if you aren’t really listening, hearing or just paying attention.

Let’s take a look at some things that might hinder or cause a lack of communication.

What You Never Learned About Boundaries


Setting boundaries can be the most important thing you ever harness to transform your relationships and life … especially when it comes to dating and relationships.   True, balanced boundaries are often misunderstood;  they’re not about building an impenetrable wall of barbed wire,  but about having positive, open energy that keeps life flowing.

Imagine how an ocean flows and thrives in its space and boundaries,  but a stagnant rain puddle that doesn’t receive new energy is always evaporating, having increasingly poor boundaries and edges.  If you were a fish, which would you prefer to live in?  In the ocean you can define your turf, swim and explore and have the resources you need -but in a puddle you don’t have that luxury, you’re always trying hard, gasping for what you need and feverishly trying to stay protected as the puddle shrinks.

Tarot Card of the Week: The Magician

mythic-magicianTarot Card of the Week: Jan 25, 2016 – Jan 31, 2016
The Magician

This week you might take a risk — you know the future is uncertain but you’re confident and ready to move forward and put your plans into action to realize your dreams!

Hermes — The Little Rascal — The Magician of Greek Mythology

The Greek God Hermes was a rascal who had a hidden agenda and was extremely precocious. Hours after his birth he snuck out of his crib and headed off on an adventure which included stealing cattle from his half-brother, Apollo.

He hid them in a cave, creating a lyre (lute) from a turtle shell, and inventing sacrificial divine worship. He then returned to his crib as if nothing had happened.

Apollo discovered his cattle were missing and became livid! Being the gifted god of prophecy and omens as well as the Sun god, he determined that Hermes stole the cattle.

Finding the supposedly hapless infant in his crib, Apollo took Hermes to see his father, Zeus (king of the gods, fate and destiny). When confronted, Hermes lied and said that he did not take the cattle.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Jan 24, 2016 – Jan 30, 2016

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jan 24, 2016 – Jan 30, 2016:

This week starts with a Full Moon at 3° Leo 29″ on Sunday. The Leo Full Moon is all about honor, dignity, pride and integrity. It’s a warm, generous, creative and expressive energy that may see you feeling more confident about yourself and more indulgent of loved ones. This Full Moon is called the “Wolf Moon” in Native American traditions, and is sometimes referred to as the Old Moon, even though it’s the first Full Moon of the year.

Tarot Card of the Week: The Devil


Tarot of the Week: Jan 18 – Jan 24, 2016 ~ The Devil

12 "You were the seal of perfection,
 Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 
 13 You were in Eden, the garden of God;
 Every precious stone was your covering:
 The sardius, topaz, and diamond,
 Beryl, onyx, and jasper,
 Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold.
 The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes 
 Was prepared for you on the day you were created.
 14 You were the anointed cherub who covers;
 I established you;
 You were on the holy mountain of God;
 You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.”
 Ezekiel 28:12-14

The Color of Roses and Their Meanings

The rose is perhaps the most beloved flower of all flowers. Its fragrance has captivated kings and queens and has inspired full rose gardens that are spectacular to see.

Fossil evidence of roses indicate that the flower has probably been in existence for 35 million years. This long history as a perfume and medicine during the reign of the Roman Empire is legendary because of its uses in everything from celebrations to healing skin rashes and indigestion.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Jan 17, 2016 – Jan 23, 2016

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jan 17, 2016 – Jan 23, 2016:

This week starts with a Void of Course Aries Moon on Sunday, which moves into Taurus in the early morning hours. It opposes Mars and sextiles Neptune late in the afternoon. The opposition to Mars can be temperamental, but because it’s in Taurus and is so closely sextile to Neptune, this should be a relatively mellow day. It’s a good day to lounge around the house, listening to music, baking, decorating, and — depending on where in the world you are located — landscaping and gardening. These are all Taurus Moon activities, with the idea of comfort, luxury, and getting in touch with nature and the earth being the corresponding theme. 

Intuition, the Language of the Empath


Photo Credit: Intuition ID 7498763 © Elena Ray Microstock Library © Elena Ray |

Hello.  My name is Malia.  I am energy/aura reader, empath, channel & practitioner of energy healing.

What does it mean to be an empath? It is one thing to discover you are an empath, having the ability feel others feelings and even physical sensations, but it’s an entirely different journey to learn then what that means for you, how (or whether) to interpret the information, and how to bring yourself to a healthy and centered place again and again. And, it is entirely possible, even probable, that you arrived here, in this life, having forgotten your power, who you truly are, what your gifts are and how to use/focus them.  In recent years, I have been offered ongoing guidance to assist fellow empaths in exploring their gifts and learning to ground, and as a result, have a more peaceful life experience.  For the purpose of this article, I am sharing guidance regarding intuition, the language of the heart.

Tarot Card of the Week: Two of Swords

Mary El Tarot

Two of Swords

Tarot Card of the Week: Jan 11, 2016 – Jan 17, 2016

Two of Swords

This week’s card — the Two of Swords from the beautiful Mary-el Tarot — speaks of striving for equilibrium and trying to balance the opposing forces in your life.

You may feel like you’re being pulled in two different directions, or you may be struggling with an important decision that has been weighing heavily on your mind. The current Mercury and Jupiter retrogrades may also be playing tricks on you, causing you to feel scattered or less able to focus on what’s important.

The Two of Swords can refer to an impasse or stalemate that’s more likely than not a result of your own indecision.

It can refer to a pivotal moment in time where you recognize that the options before you are equally appealing (or terrifying) and that whatever decision you make will have a huge impact on your life.

In this respect it can refer to inaction and immobility. Sometimes this is due to fear: “What if I don’t have all the facts?” or “What if I make the wrong decision?” But it’s just as often related to a desire to not have to choose at all.

Weekly Astro Forecast — Jan 10, 2016 – Jan 16, 2016

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jan 10, 2016 – Jan 16, 2016:

We start the week on Sunday with a New Moon  at 19° Capricorn 13″. The New Moon in Capricorn represents a time for simplifying your life and removing all of the clutter that’s accumulated over the last several months and may be hindering your progress. It’s a time for looking at what’s important — or going to be important over the next 12 months — and weeding out what is no longer useful for you or conducive to your growth.

5 Ways to Stop Being “The Other Woman”

other woman

It all starts innocently enough. At first you may share glances of humor, secretly laughing at a co-worker or work environment. Then small conversations, or quips, and jokes turn into long and serious conversations. Then you can’t wait for work to start so you can see each other again. Slowly the conversations turn into caresses, and then passionate moments in the break room or long lunches at a motel room. The connection is unbelievable because you seem to be in sync at every moment. All seems well, you feel you finally found your soulmate after a long search, except for one thing, he is married.

Want Spiritual Enlightenment? Don’t Quit Your Day Job!

Spiritual Enlightenment

Want spiritual enlightenment but you’re stuck in the office?

In today’s economy there’s no doubt that the common methods of spiritual enlightenment are just not practical anymore.

You’ve heard the story before, some lawyer, or university professor, or scientist, suddenly has a life altering moment, and they run from their job, their family, their life in essence, and reach towards the spiritual epiphany, or in retrospect, mid life crisis they’re having.

The story ends with them finding some tried and tested way to discover spiritual enlightenment.

Sometimes these folks become spiritual leaders, others start working on get rich quick schemes on the internet and other yet are living the good life doing other types of lucrative work that is apparently less stressful, and therefore more spiritually rewarding.