Articles for this day of December 8, 2014

Removing Your Own Negative Energy

I know you have seen the many web sites out there with someone offering to remove negative energy that is causing the problems in your life.

How do they say it works? You pay them huge amounts of money and they will do the work or a spell from their end.

How do you know they are actually doing anything but taking your money and sitting back waiting for it to hit their bank accounts?

While negative energy can cause you problems in your life, wouldn’t it make more sense for them to tell you how to remove the bad energy yourself and know it works?

Often during readings for my clients I do pick up on negative energy around them, I do not however, offer to remove it for them but instead give them the tools necessary to do their own work.

First is to know how that negative energy is coming into your life. Sometimes it’s our own thoughts and actions. Once you know this, you can begin to remove those thoughts and action from your daily life and move on to more positive aspects. To say you will never have negative thoughts or do something to bring about negative energy would be to say you would have to live in a fairy tale and we know that’s not healthy.