Articles for the Month of June 2016

Tarot Card of the Week: The Hierophant

RW-VTarot Card of the Week: June 27 – July 3, 2016

The Hierophant

The Hierophant is the fifth card of the Major Arcana. This card, from the traditional Rider Waite Tarot, depicts a stoic man on a throne between two pillars.

He is wearing a crown, with one hand raised as if giving a blessing. In the other hand is a staff, sometimes referred to as a cross or holy trinity. At his feet appear to be two people seeking his wisdom or blessing.

According to the dictionary, the word Hierophant comes from the Greek, meaning an official expounder of rites of worship and sacrifice. In tarot, he is often referred to as The Pope, the Magnus of Eternal Rulership and is associated with Taurus.

It may seem odd the Hierophant represents Taurus the bull since it is often represented by a holy man. However, since his main purpose is for balance and grounding, it makes more sense.

Numerology Card of the Week — Domestic Harmony

The Numerology Card of The Week For June 25th to July 1, 2016


Number 46 ~ Domestic Harmony ~ This card indicates a time of healing your relationships and your home.

This may relate to a troubled relationship with a child, family member, ex or current partner, house guest, or roommate.

It could even relate to problems you have had with the actual house itself.  Either way, this card has been sent to advise you that your difficulties are being resolved and domestic happiness is within your reach.

This card can indicate a time to make a commitment to your present relationship by declaring your love and desire to take things to the next level.

It can also reveal a need to commit to your present residence by extending your lease, deciding not to sell, or making the necessary improvements to turn it into your perfect home.

Regardless, this card is encouraging you to make a commitment rather than walk away.

Afterlife – Real or Just What We Want To Believe


Afterlife, is it just something we want to believe or does it really exist?

For some people it is a given, they feel their loved ones have passed over to a beautiful place where their spirit is set free. For others, since they can’t really see it, they don’t believe it exists.

Of course, then there are those that would just say we die, that’s the end.

While some say there is scientific proof, others claim there is no way it can be proved.

Summer Solstice, A Time For Renewal

summer solstice

Hello 🙂  My name is Malia.  I am a natural empath, intuitive, practitioner of energy healing.  Although, there are times it seems more accurate to say I am an interpreter of vibration, feeling and color.

Summer solstice, a time for renewal and rebirth, a time to enjoy the fruits of our labors, a time to pay tribute to the sun, and settle into our new expectations for the coming months.

The summer solstice offers us the longest day of the year and is widely considered the first day of summer. Having spent some sleepy, cold winter days soul searching, letting go of the old, and planning for the new, this is the time to step gently into the new ways, enjoy the Sun, and in 2016, the rare Strawberry Moon.

Solstice celebrations run across traditions world wide, and after Monday’s solstice, our daylight hours will begin to decrease, as we inch back towards the fall equinox in September.

Tarot Card of the Week: The Sun


Tarot Card of the Week: June 20, 2016 – June 26, 2016

The Sun

The Sun moves into Cancer this week (on Monday, June 20, 2016), marking the onset of the Summer Solstice as well as the longest day of the year.

This is measured by the amount of time between Sunrise and Sunset for those in the Northern Hemisphere; it’s exactly the opposite (Winter Solstice and shortest day of the year) for those in the Southern Hemisphere.

When we think of the Sun, we think of warmth, light and life. It warms our spirits as well as our bodies; it brightens our moods as well as the outside world, and it brings life to our dreams and goals as well as to every living thing on the planet.

The Sun card in the Tarot is much the same way. It refers to the wonder and glory of being alive. Of feeling warm, confident, radiant and spirited. Its attitude is that “everything is as it should be” today, for you and in the world around you.

The Sun in this card — from the gorgeous Crystal Tarot — smiles down on two tiny cherubs who reach up to partake in its warmth. They are “in the moment” basking in the Sun’s vibrant glow and partaking in the earthly bounty that is theirs for the taking.

Weekly Astro Forecast — June 19, 2016 – June 25, 2016

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of June 19, 2016 – June 25, 2016:

We start this week with a Mars / Uranus inconjunct on Sunday, This is a recurrence of the February 5th inconjunct between these two planets, before Mars went retrograde. This aspect can manifest as tension and frustration over events that are happening too quickly and erratically that they seem to be completely outside of your control.

Numerology Card of the Week — Financial Discipline

The Numerology Card of The Week For June 18th to June 24, 2016

financial discipline

Number 48 ~ Financial Discipline ~ This card indicates a need for financial discipline if you wish to build a strong foundation for your future.

You are constantly surrounded by opportunities to attract abundance, however, you must follow up with action if you wish to see results.

Setting the intention to be financially secure and then taking appropriate steps (such as putting a little money aside each week.) is enough to shift your vibration toward the outcome you desire.

Perhaps you’ve been spending money on unnecessary things rather than saving for your dream.  Maybe a “play now, pay later” mentality has left you living on credit or in debt.

Perhaps it seems that money goes out faster than it comes in.  Whatever the case may be , you’re being encouraged to adopt an attitude of abundance.

Seek financial advice, budget, and attend a workshop or read a book about creating wealth.

That “Old Black Magic” – Turning negative into positive energy

Black Magic

magicpotionsWhat is Black Magic?

  • In some Pagan communities black magic is simply applied magic that is done in a negative manner. Traditionally, Black magic can include but is not limited to:
  • ~Magical workings that impact free will of others
  • ~Magic performed to bring about destruction or harm like with cursing or hexes.
  • ~Magic invoking the spirit realm for a negative purpose
  • ~Magical workings that are baneful and restrict or eliminate the actions of others.

However, black magic doesn’t have the kind of power you may think. The only way you can give black magic any power is if you believe in it. The simple truth is there are only two forces in the universe, Negative and Positive forces, the co-exist. So it’s natural in the nature to create your reality with positive and negative thoughts.

Tarot Card of the Week: The World

the WorldTarot Card of the Week: June 13 – June 19, 2016

The World

This week’s card ‘The Worlds’ is drawn from one of my favourite decks ever; The Victorian Fairy Tarot. Here we see a beautiful fairy glen, a scene of luminous celebration. Glowing fairies dance in a circle (a mushroom “fairy-ring” just as we might find out in the garden!) as bluebells bask nearby in the moonlight. We first see this fairy glen in the very first card of the deck, “The Fool” in which our adventurer steps innocently into the unknown, into the same patch of bluebells and magic at the start of the journey.

But this week, we’ve come a long way from our time of innocent beginnings. We’ve put in a lot of hard work and a lot of distance has been traveled, a lot of obstacles have been overcome or will be overcome soon. The human city visible off in the distance in this card shows us just how far we’ve come. It’s time to celebrate and honour all the things you’ve learned and the amazing progress you’ve made and to see with honest eyes and and open heart just how much progress you’ve made!

It’s easy to get caught in the trap of, “well I still have a lot of growing to do…” or, “I haven’t made as much progress as I want in this one area,” but this card is reminding you that in this time of new chapters and new beginnings, it is just as important to see where you have BEEN as to be excited about where you can still go.

Weekly Astro Forecast — June 12, 2016 – June 18, 2016

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of June 12, 2016 – June 18, 2016:

On Sunday, Mars trines Chiron and Venus sextiles Uranus. Mars trine Chiron is a gentle warrior aspect. It can manifest as a desire to stand up for those who are unable to stand up for themselves. it can also make it easier for us to see and acknowledge other people’s points of view. This is especially comforting, as Mars is also moving into an inconjunct with Uranus (exact next week but only one degree away right now), and this trine can soften some of that erratic Uranus energy. 

Numerology Card of the Week — Self-Love

The Numerology Card of The Week For June 11th to June 17, 2016


Number 61 ~Self-Love ~ This card indicates a need to focus your attention on loving and believing in yourself.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to make your relationship with yourself your number one priority, as this is the key to happiness and the manifestation of your dreams.

Rather than dwell upon your shortcomings, you must accept and embrace who you are.

It is now time to start treating yourself like a friend by replacing your negative self-talk with positive affirmations.

Statements that affirm that you’re lovable, worthy, and perfect just as you are help raise your energy vibration and improve your life circumstances.

Set aside time to write down all the things you admire about yourself, such as your sense of humor, your smile, or your capacity to love.

Tarot of the Week: Five of Pentacles

Five of PentaclesTarot Card of the Week: June 6 -June 12, 2016

Five of Pentacles

The New Mythic Tarot, is one of my favorite decks. All cards represent the characters in mythology that are our archetypal selves.

Homer told the story of Daedalus, who is represented in the Five of Pentacles. Daedalus was a proud man, full of ego. He was one of the greatest artists of his time and built and incredible labyrinth in Crete. He thought himself so brilliant that no other person could come close to what he could accomplish. The only one was his nephew Perdix, who was just as talented as he.

In this card he killed his nephew out of jealous and he creeps away from his workshop in darkness of midnight. The workshop behind him is adorned with pentacles at the door as a symbol of his great success. He must walk away from that success now to hide the murder and jealousy he committed.

A very sad story of ego and pride. So the Five of Pentacles is a warning card. When you see this in the reading you could be suffering a number of things. Loss, being the first, since Daedalus regretted his actions and went away in pain, therefore leaving us the fable, that we should be careful or AWARE of how we are seeing others.