Articles for the Month of October 2016

Tarot Card of the Week: Eight of Wands

eight of wandsTarot Card of the Week: Oct 10-16, 2016

Eight of Wands

The card I’ve chosen for this week is the Eight of Wands from one of my new favorite decks, Paulina Tarot, by Paulina Cassidy.

I love the softness of her drawings, but am pulled in by the unique designs. The young lady on this card, a combination of Victorian and Mystical, seems to be rushing along but has her feet on a wand to keep her balanced.

The general meaning of this card is swift action over short periods of time. News, communications, phone calls and letters, usually messages coming fast. It can also refer to air travel. If this card is in reference to a person, it is often someone that is connected to a love of nature, gardening and flowers. It signifies hope of a change for the better.

Since this card indicates fast moving energy, it also means you may need to harness that energy so it doesn’t get out of control, but instead keep a good balance.

The eight of wands represents The Lord of Swiftness. Its element is Fire, the season is Spring and the direction is South. For the Zodiac, it represents the fiery signs of Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.

The herb is Sassafras which was used medicinally for healing wounds, acne, urinary disorders and to bring down fevers. It is also used in the making of beer and tea. The number Eight, while often referred to as a number of career and finance, also shows us from the shape, to mean balance.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Oct 9, 2016 – Oct 15, 2016:

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Oct 9, 2016 – Oct 15, 2016:

We start this week with the Moon moving into first quarter phase (at 16 Capricorn 18′) on Sunday. This first-quarter Moon is closely conjunct Pluto, and will square Uranus before the day is through. This is a rather volatile signature, with the potential for power struggles and emotional confrontations exceedingly high.

Numerology Card of the Week — Moderation

moderationThe Numerology Card of the Week

for Oct 8th to Oct 14th , 2016

Number 14 ~ Moderation.  This card indicates a need to exercise restraint and self-control in every area of your life.

Perhaps you are over eating, drinking too much alcohol, smoking, over medicating or taking drugs, over spending, exercising excessively.

Or maybe you are consuming too much sugar or coffee, gambling, or otherwise overindulging or engaging in obsessive or aggressive behavior.

If so, this card serves as a gentle and loving reminder that behaviors such as these can delay the manifestation of your dreams.

This card also indicates a need to balance your desire for freedom and adventure with your responsibilities, because by honoring your commitments, you will prevent the build up of karmic debt.

Tarot Card of the Week: Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Tarot Card of the Week: Oct 3- 9, 2016

Four of Pentacles

This week you want to think about what it is you might be holding onto too tightly, and more importantly why.

The Four of Pentacles can refer to a hoarding mentality, a poverty consciousness and a resistance to change. All of these end up creating blockages in your life, where your fear of letting things go can prevent new things from coming in.

The cat in this card is not only protecting his territory (by sitting squarely on top of it), his ears are perked up and pulled back, a clear sign that he’s alert and guarded against any sign of danger.

The pictures on the front of the box tell you his treasures are well worth protecting — as any cat could tell you. There’s a pitcher of milk, a fish, a bird and a butterfly. But notice how the box is closed up so tightly that nothing else (a little field mouse perhaps?) could possibly get in.

Notice the landscape behind him. There’s a great big old world out there and what cat wouldn’t like to explore it?

But this one can’t — he’s stuck where he is because he doesn’t want to run the risk of leaving his hoard unattended.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Oct 2, 2016 – Oct 8, 2016:

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Oct 2, 2016 – Oct 8, 2016:

We start the week on Sunday with Mercury opposite Chiron and inconjunct Uranus, while Neptune inconjuncts the Sun and sextiles Venus. Starting with the Mercury aspects: as Mercury is the planet that rules thoughts, ideas and communications, this combination can be particularly tricky.

The Chiron opposition can see you feeling inadequate or wallowing in self-pity. It can also leave you susceptible to deception — including your own. Don’t get caught up in drama and don’t let your compassion for others cloud your thinking.