Articles for this day of October 15, 2016

Numerology Card of the Week — Surrender

91The Numerology Card of the Week

for Oct 15th to Oct 21st , 2016

Number 91 ~ Surrender.  This card indicates a need to surrender your attachment to a particular situation or preferred outcome, because your inability to let go is impeding your success.

Desperation blocks manifestation; therefore, the more you struggle to attract your desire, the more you push it away.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to detach from  the situation and surrender the outcome to the Divine.

In order to attract what you want, you must give the Universe space to deliver your request.  This can only be achieved by getting out of the way so that everything can unfold as it should.

It isn’t your job to make it happen; it is simply your job to allow it to happen.  When you surrender the outcome to the Divine, you let the magic flow.