Articles for this day of October 24, 2016

Tarot Card of the Week: Six of Pentacles


Tarot Card of the Week: Oct 24 – Oct 30, 2016

Six of Pentacles

Trick or Treat! This week’s card — the Six of Pentacles from the whimsical Housewives Tarot — is all about getting in the spirit of giving, and what better way to do that than to hand out candy to the hoards of costumed characters who show up at your door?

This card is all about the exchange of energy — which often comes in the form of gifts or tangible goods. But whether it refers to giving or receiving is a matter of perspective.

Look at the little devil in this card. Is he handing out cookies and candy to the little tricksters who show up at his door? Or is he standing outside and reaching into someone else’s house for goodies of his own?

And think about the whole concept of Trick-or-Treating, and how it’s just as much fun to answer your door with a big bowl of candy as it is to be standing out there on the stoop with your flashlight and pillowcase.

This is attitude you want to hold onto this week: that there is always enough for everyone and that prosperity and abundance can be continuously replenished.