Articles for this day of October 3, 2016

Tarot Card of the Week: Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Tarot Card of the Week: Oct 3- 9, 2016

Four of Pentacles

This week you want to think about what it is you might be holding onto too tightly, and more importantly why.

The Four of Pentacles can refer to a hoarding mentality, a poverty consciousness and a resistance to change. All of these end up creating blockages in your life, where your fear of letting things go can prevent new things from coming in.

The cat in this card is not only protecting his territory (by sitting squarely on top of it), his ears are perked up and pulled back, a clear sign that he’s alert and guarded against any sign of danger.

The pictures on the front of the box tell you his treasures are well worth protecting — as any cat could tell you. There’s a pitcher of milk, a fish, a bird and a butterfly. But notice how the box is closed up so tightly that nothing else (a little field mouse perhaps?) could possibly get in.

Notice the landscape behind him. There’s a great big old world out there and what cat wouldn’t like to explore it?

But this one can’t — he’s stuck where he is because he doesn’t want to run the risk of leaving his hoard unattended.