Articles for this day of May 21, 2016

Numerology Card of the Week — Spirituality

The Numerology Card of The Week For May 21st  to May 27, 2016 is:

77 -- Spirituality

Number 77 ~This card indicates a need to enhance your connection to the Divine to improve your relationship with yourself, as well as your quality of life.

Your not a human being having a spiritual experience; your a spiritual being having a human experience and your relationship with Source is your path to inner peace.

When you find your way to God, you find your way back home.

Even though you have no control over “how” or “when” things will unfold, Divine timing and order will ensure that everything serves your greater good.

By selecting this card, you are being encouraged to celebrate and strengthen your relationship with the Divine in whichever way you choose. 

You may decide to pray, meditate, chant, or do yoga, or even periods of silence.

Only you can know your ultimate path to God.