Articles for this day of May 9, 2016

Tarot Card of the Week: The Empress

Medieval Enchantment

Tarot Card of the Week: May 9, 2016 – May 15, 2016

The Empress

It’s time to take things easy, sit back and not react to what is going on around you. Why should you when you are feeling so calm and emotionally relaxed?

This is the Empress card, from Nigel Jackson’s beautiful Medieval Enchantment Tarot. It represents feminine strength and power, regardless of gender.

There is a grand earth trine involving Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto in play this week, which should be giving you a sense of peace and also the capacity to clear up any emotional problems you have been experiencing or trying to get to the bottom of.

With the planets of communications (Mercury), love (Venus), personal expansion (Jupiter) and depth (Pluto) all lining up in unison, not much can go wrong for you and it is a great chance to become clear in your own mind where you want to go next.

Venus and Mercury are especially prominent as they join together on the degree of last week’s New Moon. So if there is something you want to express to a loved one, this is the time to do it.

As all this happens in the calm, earthy and sensuous sign of Taurus, remember to take your time in composing your thoughts and to speak from the heart.