Articles for this day of May 7, 2016

Numerology Card of the Week — Time-Out

The Numerology Card of The Week For May 7th to May 13, 2016 is:


Number 37 — Time-Out: This card indicates a need to take a time-out from your busy schedule and the hustle and bustle of life.

Perhaps you have been working too hard or have a lot going on.  Maybe you’ve been tired, irritable, and anxious, or just generally feeling unwell.

If you have been under stress or any kind or have been spending time in a negative or toxic environment you must remove yourself from the situation to heal and recharge.

This is the perfect time to take a vacation.  Even a day or two away will revitalize and recharge your soul.

You don’t necessarily need to leave your house: you could lay around the house, but if so make sure you unplug your computer and shut off your phone.

In order to improve your current situation, you’re asked to adjust to and harmonize with the natural rhythm and cycles of your life — cycles that are encouraging you to take time-out  for you.