Articles for the Month of February 2015

When Psychic Readings Fail

If you’re reading this, chances are good that you’ve had some experience with psychics and psychic readings.

And if you’ve had more than a few, chances are good that you’ve seen how some predictions pan out while others fail. If you’re wondering why, then this article is for you.

While sometimes it’s a matter of finding the right “fit,” and sometimes it’s about forming a connection that is immediately verifiable, more often than not the odds of your psychic reading failing or succeeding are largely dependent on you.

Some clients want a straight up “yes or no” answer. They come in saying they have a “quick question,” which as often as not turns out to be very complicated.

Some want their psychic to “prove a connection” (and then follow that up with a question that even they don’t know the answer to, which means that a connection is impossible to prove based on those parameters).

Knowing What You Don’t Want In A Relationship

How often do we hear people saying they have a list of things they want to find in a relationship? I don’t think I ever hear anyone saying what they don’t want.

When talking about relationships, be they friends, family or love, most people have a good idea of what they expect to get or what they should give. Most never consider what they really don’t want in those type of relationships.

In love relationships, we often focus on looks, financial success and the list goes on of good qualities. Do we ever focus on the bad qualities we don’t want?

If your childhood was full of drama and chaos, would you want that for your own children? If your father or mother were abusive, should you accept the same fate just because the other person is good looking or can offer financial stability?

Instead of looking for those good qualities, it might be better to look at how they treat other people, especially their own family.

Social Media and Virtual Cheating: Is Facebook Harmful to a Relationship?

virtual cheating

Back in the day, when psychics did local organic readings, meaning face to face, before you could hyper link to a virtual online reading anywhere, we never saw some of the concerns that come up regarding relationships.

One of the most common concerns I hear from my clients has to do with Facebook, dating sites like and social media.

They are concerned with virtual cheating in their relationship.

If these concerns occupy your thoughts, let me give you some smart tips, the straight skinny, the 411 from the Universe on real cheating vs. virtual cheating in a relationship.

As a psychic, I can tell you that the information that I have received from my guides regarding these sites goes back to old school values in a relationship. Facebook, dating sites and social media are all like being in a bar.

February 2015 Horoscopes


Happy Birthday Aquarius!

Here are some astrological highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month

Lunations: This Month’s Full Moon occurs on February 3rd at 14° Leo 47″.

The New Moon takes place on February 18th at 29° Aquarius 59′.

Retrogrades: Mercury turns direct on February 11th at 1° Aquarius 18″; Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month of February.

Ingresses: Sun enters Pisces on February 18th; Venus and Mars enter Aries on February 20th.


New Feature: Ask a Psychic


This week we’re pleased to announce a new Spiritual/Intuitive advice column that will be a regular weekly feature of the Psychic Scoop.

We’ll be hand selecting and responding to questions submitted by our fans on a variety of topics.

Are you having problems in your relationship, undertaking a significant life change or perplexed by a family member?

All of he psychics, astrologers, intuitive healers and other specialists will take turns responding to questions each week in the published column.