Articles for this day of February 8, 2015

Valentine’s Day Special — 25% Off Love Reading

Happy Valentine’s Day! In honor of Cupid’s favorite holiday, a number of the site’s advisors are offering 25% off on single session purchases for all clients.

Each client taking part in this promotion will also receive a FREE astrological compatibility report (emailed after the completion of their session).

This offer is good for sessions of any length and is good for one time only.

Because the site’s advisors are all independent contractors, regular and discount rates will vary. You can contact the advisor you’re interested in speaking with directly to see if he or she is participating.

Although we’ll be offering other discounts over the next several months — both individually and collectively — this one is slated as a Valentine’s Day promotion and is redeemable between Feb 12, 2015 and Feb 15, 2015.

5 Things to do if You are Single on Valentine’s Day

Romance? Who needs it right? With all the marketing, candy, flowers and a bombardment of romantic comedies on television, it can be a harsh reminder that you are still single, or maybe not.

You may have decided to embrace being single and have chosen it as a lifestyle, there is nothing wrong with that either.

However if you are feeling sad about it you can change that feeling into something more positive and change the way you look at your life.  Here are five ways to celebrate your singleness during Valentine’s day. the year’s most romantic holiday.