Articles for this day of February 28, 2015

March 2015 Horoscopes


Happy Birthday Pisces!

Here are some astrological highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month. This Month’s Full Moon occurs on March 5th at 14° Virgo 50″.

The New Moon — a total solar eclipse — takes place on March 20th at 29° Pisces 27′.

Retrogrades: Saturn turns retrograde on March 14th at 4° Sagittarius 55″; Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month of March.

Ingresses: Mercury enters Pisces on March 13th; Venus enters Taurus on March 17th;  the Sun enters Aries on March 20th; Mars enters Taurus and Mercury enters Aries on the 31st.

Ask a Psychic: How Can I Attract Love into My Life Again?

attracting love

This week’s question was submitted by a widow who recognizes that she’s developed some blocks in attracting a new relationship into her life.

She’s been single since her husband passed away 9 years ago and is now in her 50’s. She is young for her age and very active physically and mentally.

She has many close friends and is active in her community. She’s involved in study and loves to travel and has a strong spiritual connection to life.

While she has many interests that are very fulfilling, she longs to have a partner to share things with. After having grieved the loss of her husband and learning to accept his passing, she now wonders what she can do to attract a relationship for this time in her life.

Psychic Clarity


Have you ever been afraid to ask a psychic for clarity?

Don’t ever worry about asking a question or offending a psychic.’ You ask because you want to understand. I never see questions as offensive or insulting. You want clarity and that is why you come to us.

Just like a doctor or lawyer, psychics and mediums are learned experts in their field. Real psychics, real mediums will never feel threatened by your questions.

We do hope that you will ask with respect and not in a confrontational manner, since there is never an excuse to be just plain rude. Asking a psychic if they are ‘connected’ is rude.