Articles for this day of February 1, 2015

February 2015 Horoscopes


Happy Birthday Aquarius!

Here are some astrological highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month

Lunations: This Month’s Full Moon occurs on February 3rd at 14° Leo 47″.

The New Moon takes place on February 18th at 29° Aquarius 59′.

Retrogrades: Mercury turns direct on February 11th at 1° Aquarius 18″; Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month of February.

Ingresses: Sun enters Pisces on February 18th; Venus and Mars enter Aries on February 20th.


New Feature: Ask a Psychic


This week we’re pleased to announce a new Spiritual/Intuitive advice column that will be a regular weekly feature of the Psychic Scoop.

We’ll be hand selecting and responding to questions submitted by our fans on a variety of topics.

Are you having problems in your relationship, undertaking a significant life change or perplexed by a family member?

All of he psychics, astrologers, intuitive healers and other specialists will take turns responding to questions each week in the published column.