Articles for the Month of November 2014

THE LOVE FILES: Your Relationship History

Relationship History

Have you ever sat down and wondered why you draw the same type of person into your love life giving you the same negative outcome to the relationship?

Let’s face it if you were drawing the right type of person into your love life you would have a better chance at a positive outcome.

There may be something you are playing out from your childhood or what you saw and experienced within your parents’ relationship that you are equating with love. However, if your parents’ relationship was not that great and let’s face it many are not as they are only doing the best they can with the past experiences they have then you may find yourself repeating their pattern without consciously being aware of it.

Sometimes you will find your parents had a great relationship but you have been drawn into bad relationship choices yourself and put at the receiving end of someone else’s idea of what a relationship is all about. Let’s call this living up to your partner’s expectations of what love is and how a relationship is meant to proceed and there’s about as many different types of expectations as you can imagine.

Karmic Soulmates


Karmic Soulmates are those who have shared at least one previous incarnation together that ended on a sour note.

They meet up with each other again in a subsequent lifetime in order to complete any past lessons/rectify any residual karma, which then affords them the opportunity to attain closure and move on.

Unfortunately, they usually end up accruing more adverse karma in the process. It’s possible for Karmic Soulmates to progress to the next level of the union, instead of separating, if both parties desire this and apply mutual effort.

However, usually at least one partner deviates from this path over time because to conquer all of these goals in a singular lifetime and then to still have sufficient love/desire to be with the alternate partner proves too daunting; usually resulting in indecision, stagnation, and inability to commit.

THE LOVE FILES – Relationship Series

Love Files

Ever wondered why you feel so drawn to someone and they are not possibly that drawn back to you?

Wondering what you can do about it or how to protect yourself and your own boundaries.

There are actually many ways you can strengthen your boundaries ensuring you are not pulled into a situation you do not want to be a part of.

Sometimes relationships can feel as if they are all a blur with no real rhythm or reason as to what the rules are or how they are meant to work. We all have different thoughts on what we want our relationships to be and sometimes we miss that what we want is not what the other person actually wants.

Over the next few weeks I will be looking at the following as well as other areas of your relationship that you have questions on and giving you advice on changes you can make.


Greetings! My name is Cristina.

I am a gifted fifth generation light-worker and best-selling writer and author.

I am also a master Tarot Reader and have been reading cards and practicing in the metaphysical arts for more than 40 years.

I have given readings to thousands of people all over the world and from all walks of life. I continue my journey practicing and studying mysticism.

Psychic Jen


I have been an Intuitive Spiritual Advisor for over 20 years.

I began using my gifts by performing in-person readings for family and friends and then moved into phone readings.

When I had children, I found providing phone services inappropriate, so I hooked up to the internet! I have provided my services internationally online via email and live sessions, through various web sites and portals.

I have done in-person readings in office, at clients homes and at events, and by appointments at a local metaphysical shoppe. However in 2008 I became separated and ultimately divorced, and stopped doing readings full time during 2009-2011

The Waiting Game

One of the most common questions I get asked as a psychic is: “when will he (or she) call?”

This usually comes on the heels of one of two potential relationship scenarios:

1: they’ve made a connection with someone who seemed promising at the time but hasn’t followed up; or

2: there’s been discord in an existing relationship and no one has called to try to make things right.

In both scenarios the client is clearly “waiting” for the other person to make a move, but what they don’t understand is that getting that to happen is far more in their hands than anything else, and that what they do (or don’t do) now can make all the difference in the world.

Relationship Building

Building a relationship during times of stress (or the hubbub of the holiday season) sometimes seems like the last thing we want to do.

With everything else seeming more important, it’s easy to fall into familiar traps where we see the other person as our aggravating, progress-blocking, obstacle who is doing whatever they’re doing to hurt us… on purpose.

Often this is not true at all, in reality it’s just a distraction from intimacy manufactured from conclusions we’re jumping to, or the desire to protect ourselves without really knowing the full story.

However, there are times when the other person really is trying to get under our skin or deliver a few well placed emotional punches.

No matter how innocently it begins, without thoughtfulness it always escalates.

A poorly chosen word, a reaction, spines going up, assumptions made, angry energy brewing, pretty soon everyone is pointing the finger at someone else and relationship building is the furthest thing from anyone’s mind. But when faced with this contentious energy, we actually have an amazing opportunity to join and to build the relationship to an even higher level of connection.

Breaking the “Self-Inflicted Prison”

So many of my clients visit me when they feel their life is at a crossroads, either having to make a difficult decision about a relationship/marriage, work etc, losing a loved one, losing a job, relocating, issues with low self esteem, wanting to know when love will come, kids and family issues, etc.

It made me think of does fear of the new, of the unknown is causing a “freeze” (staying in self-inflicted prison) which prevents a person to move on.

I therefore decided to write about how to accept change in order to give you, my dear friend, tools to do the transit as easily, positively and as productively as possible.

Getting the Most From Your Psychic Reading

psychic eye

Let’s face it: there are a lot of bad psychics out there. Or more accurately, a lot of bad people masquerading as psychics.

There are those who prey on the most vulnerable members of our society by either failing to tell them the truth (after all, they make a lot more money feeding into people’s fantasies), or telling them outright lies for the exact same reason.

The word “Psychic” comes from the Greek work psychikos and means “of the mind” or “of the psyche.”

It does not refer to mind-reading or fortune telling or similar mind-blowing parlor tricks.

Unfortunately these are popular misconceptions, based on media mockery and the unscrupulous practices of some who use them to make a quick buck.

Psychic readings can be tremendously valuable, provided that you approach them with both an open mind and a healthy sense of logic.

Your session should involve some give and take, and will suffer when either of these falls out of balance. If your psychic asks too many questions, you’re likely to question whether the information you’re provided is “real” or is just a natural assumption based on what you’ve already revealed. But if on the other hand you’re too closed-off to provide feedback for the information you’re receiving, your psychic may not be able to tap into the areas of your psyche that are necessary to inform a good reading.



I am a professional astrologer and spiritual advisor with more than 30 years’ experience. I am proficient in astrology, tarot, numerology, feng shui, and many other mystery schools.

While I do consider myself psychic, I absolutely subscribe to the belief that we all participate in our destiny. For this reason my forays into the psychic sciences has repeatedly led me back to the fascinating, interminable and wondrous world of astrology.

I am a writer, teacher and counselor — but most of all a student — of this fascinating study. I have an extensive clientele, both locally and internationally, thanks to the advent of the internet age. I write horoscopes and tarotscopes for numerous psychic sites. I am a member of AFAN, NCGR, ISAR as well as numerous other astrological organizations. 

November 2014 Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Scorpio! Here are highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month.

Full Moon: The Full Moon occurs on November 6th at 14° Taurus 25′.

New Moon: The New Moon is November 24 at 0° Sagittarius 07′.

Retrogrades: Neptune turns direct on November 16th at 4° Pisces 47′. Chiron turns direct on November 23rd at 13° Pisces 05′. Uranus is retrograde for the entire month of November.

Ingresses: Mercury enters Scorpio on November 8th. Venus enters Sagittarius on November 16th. The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22nd. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 28th.


Hello, my name is Kasandra! I am a psychic medium, known world-wide for my honesty and accuracy. I am a relationship expert as well as a psychic and clairvoyant.

How I work: at the beginning of a session I will ask you to give me your name and date of birth.  Your openness and trust in me, gives me the permission and access to your soul’s energy and enables me to give you the guidance you are asking for. The more open and clear you will be, the easier I can tune into you and offer you the guidance you are seeking.

It is also very important that you interact with me in as much as you feel comfortable, to ask me what things mean or for clarification. I need your feedback to make sure that all the messages were understood in depth.