Articles for this day of November 30, 2014

Kate Strong

Kate Strong

I am an Intuitive/Healer. My specialities are Past Life Healings, Cord Cutting, Soul Healings, Body Code and Emotion Code healings and more. I also specialises in Relationship Readings.

I am passionate about personal growth and I am extremely passionate about exploring my inner life to the full. This quest is mostly driven by love and often driven by pain.

I’m pretty down to earth and when I say my inner life I don’t mean that I do alot of things like meditation, but more about insight and healing. For my personal life I practise Sufism and this practise also helps me with my clients.

In my quest to heal my own pain I have discovered so much along the way. I suppose that’s also called life. And I always like to share what I’ve learned. So believe me when I say chances are when you come to me for any kind of session – I understand.



Hello!  I’m Willow  and I give unique, ethical, intuitive insight to help you focus on your own abilities to change and shape the present and future. After all, isn’t it better to CREATE instead of wait?

I’ve given readings since 1987 alongside my work as a professional, published author and artist and I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to work with people all over the world; artists, musicians, psychics, healers, celebs, moms, politicians – we’re all intuitive!

I love to work with relationship issues  because it’s through our personal and family relationships that we find our best opportunity to open up to new levels of intimacy, love and inspiration in every issue we want to succeed in.

Genuine Guidance

Genuine Guidance

Welcome to my page.

I am JuliAnne, a full time Astrologer, Tarot and Lenormand card reader. I combine those disciplines with my intuitive ability to give you insight.

I have close to 30 years experience and have advised thousands both in person at my office as well as on the net. I am down to earth, pragmatic and will not paint you a blissful picture if that is not what I am being shown.

There is always a reason for what you are experiencing in life, and we can explore those things and help you get to where you need to be, not necessarily what you want at the moment of your call!

Ms. Yvonne

Hello my name is Ms. Yvonne. I received my abilities at a very young age having been passed down to me by my maternal great grandmother and paternal grandmother, however, I didn’t know exactly how to use them. I started my spiritual journey in my early twenties, and have been on a constant quest to further my gift.

I’ve been doing readings and spiritual counseling for over 25 years. In the early 90’s, I began to question my ability. I had to be sure I was actually getting the messages and not just projecting my own thoughts. I was fortunate enough to find a wonderful teacher that helped me reaffirm my true ability.

In 2003 I became an ordained minister through the Universal Life Church.

Psychic Aura

Hello! My name is Psychic Aura and I Help People Unite with their soul purpose.

Have you been searching for: Greater harmony and fulfilment in Relationships? Your most divine ideal partner in love, friendship, business? Your voice and freedom in relationship? Greater levels of excitement, joy, and infinite possibility as you engage passionately with life?

Release of what prevents you from loving yourself deeply and experiencing yourself as divine essence? A clear connection with your higher power, inner guidance, and soul purpose?

I love doing Consultations for those who are looking to Grow, Renew, Reinvent and Re-energize in difficult and uncertain times. I believe that NOW is a time of opportunity!

December 2014 Horoscopes

December Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Sagittarius!

Here are some astrological highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: This Month’s Full Moon occurs on December 6th at 14° Gemini 17″.

The New Moon takes place on December 22nd at 0° Capricorn 06′.

Retrogrades: Jupiter turns retrograde on December 8th at 22°Leo 37″; Uranus turns direct on December 21st at 12° Aries 34″.

Ingresses: Mars enters Aquarius December 4th; Venus enters Capricorn December 10th; Mercury enters Capricorn December 17th; the Sun enters Capricorn December 21st; Saturn enters Sagittarius December 23rd.