Articles for this day of November 4, 2014

Getting the Most From Your Psychic Reading

psychic eye

Let’s face it: there are a lot of bad psychics out there. Or more accurately, a lot of bad people masquerading as psychics.

There are those who prey on the most vulnerable members of our society by either failing to tell them the truth (after all, they make a lot more money feeding into people’s fantasies), or telling them outright lies for the exact same reason.

The word “Psychic” comes from the Greek work psychikos and means “of the mind” or “of the psyche.”

It does not refer to mind-reading or fortune telling or similar mind-blowing parlor tricks.

Unfortunately these are popular misconceptions, based on media mockery and the unscrupulous practices of some who use them to make a quick buck.

Psychic readings can be tremendously valuable, provided that you approach them with both an open mind and a healthy sense of logic.

Your session should involve some give and take, and will suffer when either of these falls out of balance. If your psychic asks too many questions, you’re likely to question whether the information you’re provided is “real” or is just a natural assumption based on what you’ve already revealed. But if on the other hand you’re too closed-off to provide feedback for the information you’re receiving, your psychic may not be able to tap into the areas of your psyche that are necessary to inform a good reading.