Articles for this day of December 19, 2016

Tarot Card of the Week: The World


Tarot Card of the Week: Dec 19 – Dec 25, 2016

The World

This week’s card  — The World from the beautiful Christmas Tarot — is all about looking at the bigger picture and tracing the steps that have led you to where you are today.

It’s a card of fulfillment and completion; recognizing milestones that have passed and goals that have been achieved as you prepare to close the door on one chapter in your life and open another.

You may be setting new goals in place or you may be taking some time to celebrate how far you’ve come. You may be also thinking about the year ahead and the changes you want to set in motion.

As the last card in the tarot, the World complete’s the Fool’s journey, with the understanding that he’s grown, evolved and matured along the way.

This card can also have you thinking about where you fit in in the world and about your contributions to humanity. It speaks of not only realizing your dreams and achieving your goals, but also becoming one with the Universe, fulfilled and complete.