Articles for this day of December 10, 2016

Numerology Card of the Week — Happy Ending

The Numerology Card of the Week

for Dec 10th  to Dec 16th , 2016

Number 93 ~ Happy Ending:  This card serves as confirmation that a very happy ending is right around the corner.

Even if it seems ludicrous and impossible at this present moment in time, a favorable outcome awaits you and is well within your reach.

Since you attract what you are, you bring yourself good fortune when you’re happy.

Therefore, you will attract your positive outcome sooner by being joyous now, that is, by acting as if what you want has already come to pass.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to focus the majority of your attention on the outcome you desire rather than the outcome you fear.  Since you attract what you think about the most, when you focus on your dreams, you can make those dreams come true.

Dismiss all logic and reason so that you see the miracles beyond, and know that you live in a magical Universe where it pays to believe and dream.