Articles for this day of August 8, 2016

Tarot Card of the Week: The Hermit

Hero-HermitTarot Card of the Week: Aug 8-Aug 14, 2016
The Hermit

The Journey of Solitude:

This week, you might decide to become the Hermit and take the journey of solitude to figure something out, or maybe you need time away from your daily routines, or it’s possible you need time away from other people.

The Hermit (the hero) wants to be alone and does not want his peace disrupted. His mind is restless and he needs quiet time, or needs to find what he has overlooked.

He is gathering information, analyzing and searching for answers.

The Hermit will hide for days, weeks or months, returning when he is ready to solve his crisis!

The Hero’s Journey: The Hermit suggests that you need to withdraw from a situation to figure something out. You probably need to meditate and connect with your inner-light.

Through your meditative journey, you will connect to the light of wisdom or resolve an existing problem.