Articles for this day of August 5, 2016

Numerology Card of the Week — Love Partnership

LP The Numerology Card of the Week

for Aug 6, to Aug 12, 2016

Number 26 Love Partnership: This card talks about a romantic relationship is about to enter your life.  If you are single then your about to meet someone new

If you are involved with someone then this card means that your relationship is really going to blossom into a much deeper level of understanding and commitment.

Either way, love is just around the corner provided that you believe!

In the meantime you are being encouraged to focus on what you have to offer, rather than what you’d like to receive.  By doing so, you will attract a mutually loving relationship that serves both parties’ needs.

Remember, you must believe that love exists in order to attract it into your life.  So work on any limiting beliefs or negative thoughts you may have about love.