Tarot Card of the Week: The Magician

mythic-magicianTarot Card of the Week: Jan 25, 2016 – Jan 31, 2016
The Magician

This week you might take a risk — you know the future is uncertain but you’re confident and ready to move forward and put your plans into action to realize your dreams!

Hermes — The Little Rascal — The Magician of Greek Mythology

The Greek God Hermes was a rascal who had a hidden agenda and was extremely precocious. Hours after his birth he snuck out of his crib and headed off on an adventure which included stealing cattle from his half-brother, Apollo.

He hid them in a cave, creating a lyre (lute) from a turtle shell, and inventing sacrificial divine worship. He then returned to his crib as if nothing had happened.

Apollo discovered his cattle were missing and became livid! Being the gifted god of prophecy and omens as well as the Sun god, he determined that Hermes stole the cattle.

Finding the supposedly hapless infant in his crib, Apollo took Hermes to see his father, Zeus (king of the gods, fate and destiny). When confronted, Hermes lied and said that he did not take the cattle.

Zeus did not believe him, so Hermes finally confessed and said that he would return the cattle. He gave Apollo his lyre, and Apollo gave Hermes a golden rod to lead the cattle home. Apollo then honored Hermes as the god of herdsman and shepherds.

Hermes promised Zeus that he would never lie again, and Zeus named him the messenger, the traveler and negotiator who would work for the gods!

My Interpretation Of The Magician

Magician, Chapter 2, dreamstime_xl_9485475The Magician is enumerated one which suits him perfectly since this card represents someone who can attain goals through personal tools, which for the Magician are his agile mind and adept communication skills.

The Magician uses these eloquent verbal skills for both positive and nefarious outcomes and is the risk taker!

The Magician symbolizes new beginnings, where all things are possible, and his confidence enables him to focus all his attention on the task at hand. His mastery and capacity for focus cannot be shaken.

Fueled by a strong desire to achieve and dominate, he can nevertheless suffer under the burden of the past, and emerges from its spell at times only with difficulty.

When so burdened, the Magician can become a trickster and skillfully create an illusion of preparedness that belies his true condition.

However, when he feels incapable of freeing himself from the clutches of the past, his iron will wards him against harm or failure. The Magician never discloses his inscrutable plans because of his need to win at all he sets his hand to.

The Magician is connected to the planet Mercury – aptly so considering its parallels with his power of communicating and manner of thinking. The Magician’s energies also recall the planet’s dynamics, coming in “fast,” short bursts.

In his lowest form, the Magician embodies the mind of the deceitful and cunning trickster; yet on a higher level he corresponds to the fascinating workings of a rational, objective mind. His thinking is short term, rooted firmly in the present. He is quick to contradict, but also to come up with answers.

If the Magician is surrounded by positive Tarot cards, it may mean that this person’s charms and sense of fun make him a pleasure to associate with. When the Magician card is surrounded by negative Tarot cards, be alert to the danger that he may represent a con man. Be careful in whom you trust, as appearances can all too often lead one astray.

Positive Position: You will put your plans into action and take risks, and look forward to the magic of possibilities. You are confident, focused, and all your attention is related to the realization of your dreams.

Magician, Chapter 2, Joker Card, dreamstime_xl_13805563Negative Position: You are overconfident, misleading, the trickster or the schmoozer. You are experiencing delays with putting your plans into action, or you are not ready to put your plans into action. You may mislead others into making the wrong choices, or you will keep them waiting.

Timing is usually immediate, or 1 – 30 days.







This week’s card — the Magician — comes from the original Mythic Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene.

This version, illustrated by Tricia Newell and distributed by U.S. Games is no longer available. 

A newer version — the New Mythic Tarot — is still in print.

 This deck can also be downloaded as an app for IPhone, IPad and Android devices through the Fool’s Dog website. 






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This article first appeared on Lotus Tarot

You can also read more of my articles here.



