Articles for this day of January 7, 2016

Want Spiritual Enlightenment? Don’t Quit Your Day Job!

Spiritual Enlightenment

Want spiritual enlightenment but you’re stuck in the office?

In today’s economy there’s no doubt that the common methods of spiritual enlightenment are just not practical anymore.

You’ve heard the story before, some lawyer, or university professor, or scientist, suddenly has a life altering moment, and they run from their job, their family, their life in essence, and reach towards the spiritual epiphany, or in retrospect, mid life crisis they’re having.

The story ends with them finding some tried and tested way to discover spiritual enlightenment.

Sometimes these folks become spiritual leaders, others start working on get rich quick schemes on the internet and other yet are living the good life doing other types of lucrative work that is apparently less stressful, and therefore more spiritually rewarding.