Articles for this day of November 30, 2015

Tarot Card of the Week: Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Tarot Card of the Week: Nov 30 – Dec 6, 2015

Queen of Swords

Decisions that you make this week will require you to use intellect and logic rather than emotions and intuition.

The Queen of Swords signals a need for discipline. Whether you’re acting in this capacity or dealing with someone who embodies these qualities — like authority, self-reliance and impartiality — this week you will need to rise to the occasion.

The Queen of Swords in most decks can be rather cold and austere. She can be critical and judgmental, detached from her emotions and unwilling to compromise her convictions but this version emphasizes wisdom and maturity.

Notice the silver hair and tattered robes in this version — from the Druidcraft Tarot. She’s not here to impress anyone. She knows who she is and is comfortable in her own skin.

She doesn’t wield her sword like a weapon; she caresses it gently, just as her bare feet keep her grounded and rooted to the earth and the feather in her headdress keeps her connected to the wisdom and teachings of her ancestors.