Articles for this day of November 23, 2015

Tarot Card of the Week: Seven of Cups


Tarot Card of the Week: Nov 23 – Nov 29, 2015

Seven of Cups

This week you might be having vivid dreams about a lost relationship, one that you want back. Your dream might remain as “Castles in the Sky” until you’re ready to repair the relationship or let go of the relationship and move on…

Psyche Meets Eros’s Mother, Aphrodite

After Psyche hurt Eros (Cupid) and lost his trust, damaging their marriage, she wandered the Earth looking for Eros but she could never find him.

Determined to tell Eros she truly loved him, she contacted his mother (Aphrodite) and asked for help. Aphrodite, still angry with her initial devious plot that went awry, sought revenge by giving Psyche a list of extremely difficult tasks to complete.

Psyche felt like her dreams were just “Castles in the Sky” after she talked with Aphrodite but realized that she had to hunker down and do what Aphrodite wanted in order to get Eros back!

Eros, watching from a distance, knew Psyche was going through hell because of his mother’s spitefulness. He made a heartfelt decision, visited Jupiter and asked Jupiter to convince Aphrodite to help Psyche.