Articles for this day of October 26, 2015

Tarot Card of the Week: The Hermit


Tarot Card of the Week: Oct 26 – Nov 1

The Hermit

This week’s card is The Hermit from the Art Through the Eyes of the Soul Oracle, by Cheryl Yambrach Rose. This is a stunning deck containing the artists empowered oil paintings based on sacred sites and their mythology.

Key statements for this card are: Develop the gifts you have been given. Speak Your truth. Share your wisdom with others. Shine your light.

Depicted on this card is Mount Shasta, the sacred mountain in North Carolina. This dormant volcano is a vortex — a portal to higher dimensions of consciousness.

It is said that this area of mountain range was once part of Atlantis and Lemuria where a highly advanced society lived. Mount Shasta holds the position as the root or base chakra of the world.

Poet Godfre Ray King wrote of Shasta as this: Shasta! O Mount Shasta! What Secrets do you hide, What dwells within that Heart of Yours, What Light does There abide?

The Hermit stands on her narrow path of initiation. She holds up the Lamp of truth to guide those below in the darkness.