
Numerology Card of the Week — Rebirth

The Numerology Card of The Week For May 28th  to June 3, 2016 is:


Number 16 ~ Rebirth ~ This card indicates a time of major transition and transformation that will result in significant personal growth.

By drawing this card, you have entered a period of spiritual awakening and rebirth, where you have the opportunity to align with your higher self and the overarching principles that guide you.

This is where you surrender to the changes around you and prepare to be the best you can be.

This is a time to recognize and rise above any ego-based thoughts and behaviors, for humility and authenticity are the keys to your success

In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that are leading you towards a higher level of understanding and awareness.

Numerology Card of the Week — Spirituality

The Numerology Card of The Week For May 21st  to May 27, 2016 is:

77 -- Spirituality

Number 77 ~This card indicates a need to enhance your connection to the Divine to improve your relationship with yourself, as well as your quality of life.

Your not a human being having a spiritual experience; your a spiritual being having a human experience and your relationship with Source is your path to inner peace.

When you find your way to God, you find your way back home.

Even though you have no control over “how” or “when” things will unfold, Divine timing and order will ensure that everything serves your greater good.

By selecting this card, you are being encouraged to celebrate and strengthen your relationship with the Divine in whichever way you choose. 

You may decide to pray, meditate, chant, or do yoga, or even periods of silence.

Only you can know your ultimate path to God.

How to Get Over a Broken Heart

How to get over a broken heart

If your partner broke up with you and your heart feels like a sledgehammer tore it apart, you have one of two choices:

You can either wallow in the pain of it all and can carry on with your negative thoughts and berate yourself, thus making yourself MORE miserable; OR you can do something completely different and choose to get over him/her as quickly as possible.

During the first few days and even the first few weeks of losing the one you loved, you should first allow yourself to go through the various stages of the grieving process.

It is good to know what these stages are so you can cut through the chase, by experiencing them and getting over it.

Five Ways to Bring Love Back to Valentine’s Day

Have you ever wondered how to bring love back to Valentine’s Day?

When I was a kid, I loved Valentine’s Day – the whimsical colours, the chalky-message candy hearts, the box filled with silly cards from all my classmates…     but as an adult, I began to buy into Valentine’s Day pressure.     Was I getting the right, most thoughtful gift from my sweetie? Did he have something special planned for dinner or flowers?   

I really agonized about these things and they become expectations that lead to what expectations always lead to: disappointment.  Every year therapists, psychics and astrologers hear from people who are on the brink of desolation because they are still pining for someone who left their life,  or because they feel alone and unloved, or because their loved one isn’t meeting their expectations.

How did something that’s supposed to be fun get so dark? Ever since a certain famous card manufacturer started mass producing Valentine cards  in 1913 in Kansas City, the world has had an arbitrary way to measure the presence and absence of love.  And because comparison takes us away from what we HAVE, it’s given us a way to compare our lives to a story of what should be.    The right ring, the right dinner, the right romantic setting, the right person.  All that pressure adds up to disappointing bad dates, lonely nights, and worse.  How do we stop this madness?

Here are Five Ways to bring LOVE back to Valentine’s day:

Communication, A Vital Part of Every Relationship

communication vital part of relationships

We all know that communication is a vital part of every relationship, but do you really know the meaning of the word, communication.

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the correct meaning of communications is: “the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else”.

What is doesn’t mean is just talking or texting to each other.

Most couples will tell you they talk to each other, but I have to wonder how many actually listen, hear or understand what the other person is trying to convey.

There are many ways to communicate, some good and some bad. Do you know the difference? The best way form of communication is always face to face, but even that can fail if you aren’t really listening, hearing or just paying attention.

Let’s take a look at some things that might hinder or cause a lack of communication.

What You Never Learned About Boundaries


Setting boundaries can be the most important thing you ever harness to transform your relationships and life … especially when it comes to dating and relationships.   True, balanced boundaries are often misunderstood;  they’re not about building an impenetrable wall of barbed wire,  but about having positive, open energy that keeps life flowing.

Imagine how an ocean flows and thrives in its space and boundaries,  but a stagnant rain puddle that doesn’t receive new energy is always evaporating, having increasingly poor boundaries and edges.  If you were a fish, which would you prefer to live in?  In the ocean you can define your turf, swim and explore and have the resources you need -but in a puddle you don’t have that luxury, you’re always trying hard, gasping for what you need and feverishly trying to stay protected as the puddle shrinks.

A Glance at your Day – the Diurnal Chart

For those who read their daily horoscope and find that most of it is general in its delivery – there is a good reason for this: it is written for the masses not for you in particular!

Sure, there may be some things that will come to the fore on any given day/week/month in these solar based predictions, but, there is no better way to see how your day may pan out than looking at your diurnal chart.

A diurnal chart is quite simply your personalized horoscope for any particular day in your life. This is due to the way a diurnal chart is calculated.

Multiple Marriages in the Natal Chart

Can your natal chart show that you may have multiple marriages? What are the indicators, and what will be activated at the time you get married again? This can be seen in your chart!

I wrote an article at the beginning of the year outlining Jennifer Aniston’s chart and what was going when she married Brad Pitt. She has recently remarried, so it should be interesting to see if she had indications again that she would marry.

The Invisible Man: Part 2 of 12

Invisible Man

This week, the 12-part series called “The Invisible Man” continues.

This series came about as a result of a client who was struggling with a breakup and seeking questions about the demise of her relationship.

To Recap: The client whom we will call “Annie” was stuck at the cross-roads for many years regarding this breakup, which she never saw coming…

Annie is a long time client of mine, and she asked me to go into detail about a man she was engaged to in the past.

We will call this man James Bond…

Annie thought she knew James Bond inside and out, but when the relationship ended, unexpectedly, without closure, she realized she did not know him as good as she thought she did!

The Invisible Man: Part 1 of 12

Invisible Man

This week, we begin a 12-part series called “The Invisible Man.”

This series came about as a result of a client who was struggling with a breakup and seeking questions about the demise of her relationship.

The client whom we will call “Annie” was stuck at the cross-roads for many years regarding this breakup, which she never saw coming…

Annie is a long time client of mine, and she asked me to go into detail about a man she was engaged to in the past.

We will call this man James Bond…

Annie thought she knew James Bond inside and out, but when the relationship ended, unexpectedly, without closure, she realized she did not know him as good as she thought she did!

Venus Retrograde: Murphy Might Be Hanging Around…

venus retrograde

Venus retrograde is here again… Murphy might be hanging around, so be careful with the decisions you make regarding personal and professional relationships, but also the decisions you’ll make spending your hard earned money!

Retrograde motion refers to a planet that appears to be moving backward as seen from the Earth. Symbolically, it signifies “unfinished business” or the “do-over” and as the opposite of direct motion, it allows something to be done over again.

Venus turns retrograde every eighteen months. During this time you might be attracted to someone or something you really want; however, you might run into a restriction that won’t let you achieve what you desire.

Why Won’t He Change?

Why Won't He Change?

This is a question I get asked on an almost daily basis, particularly from clients who are unhappy with the lack of affection, emotional expression or reassurance that they’re getting from their relationship partners.

But maybe a better question would be “why did he change in the first place?”

In most cases, the relationship started out on a good note, with the love interest pursuing ardently and the client expressing no doubts or concerns about his level of interest. And then over time, something changed. Or more specifically he changed.

Of course when that happens, the natural response is to try to figure out what happened and what you can do to change him back. Especially if the man you fell in love with in the first place seemed to be a lot more like Prince Charming than the toad you’re stuck with now.