
Numerology Card of the Week — New Beginnings

New BeginningsThe Numerology Card of the Week

for Aug 13, to Aug 19, 2016

Number 1 New Beginnings.  This card is talking about new beginnings and plenty of opportunities for a fresh new start!

These opportunities play a very important part in catapulting you to where you need to be, so it’s in your best interest to follow them wherever they may lead.

By drawing this card, you’re being encouraged to find the inner strength and courage to step into the unknown and to feel the fear and do it anyway and create a brand new life.

New opportunities may present themselves in the area of relationships, home, and career.  There might be a chance to move , study, or travel; or embark on an exciting new endeavor.

Regardless, you must pay attention to the signs and seize the moment when it arises.  When you’re open to new beginnings, the Universe will send you the next logical step to take.

Numerology Card of the Week — Love Partnership

LP The Numerology Card of the Week

for Aug 6, to Aug 12, 2016

Number 26 Love Partnership: This card talks about a romantic relationship is about to enter your life.  If you are single then your about to meet someone new

If you are involved with someone then this card means that your relationship is really going to blossom into a much deeper level of understanding and commitment.

Either way, love is just around the corner provided that you believe!

In the meantime you are being encouraged to focus on what you have to offer, rather than what you’d like to receive.  By doing so, you will attract a mutually loving relationship that serves both parties’ needs.

Remember, you must believe that love exists in order to attract it into your life.  So work on any limiting beliefs or negative thoughts you may have about love.

Numerology Card of the Week — Pride

Pride The Numerology Card of the Week

for July 30th to Aug 5, 2016

Number 19 Pride: This card indicates a need to swallow your pride  to improve your current situation and your quality of life.

By admitting when you’re wrong and choosing to see another person’s point of view (whether right or wrong) , you raise your vibration, which brings you closer to your dreams.

If you want to create a happy, harmonious life, then you must let go of your need to be right or in control.

Punishing or belittling another person goes against the nature of your soul and takes you out of alignment.  When you admit mistakes you align yourself with Source.

In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that are encouraging you to rise above your ego.

Numerology Card of the Week — Joy of Music


The Numerology Card of the Week

for July 23rd  to July 29, 2016

Number 32  Music~ We need The Joy of Music!  This card showing up at this point in time considering the state of the world, the United States, The election, The good, bad, evil and all our high strung personalities, anger, hatred, violence, and then our crazy lives to deal with;

It is no wonder we are all stressed out, don’t smile, laugh or have a happy beat.

This card is showing up today because we all need to take a breath, step back and away from all this craziness in our day and allow some joy to come in to our hearts.

Music is laughter to the soul, it raises you up, puts you in a good mood (if you listen to something upbeat which I highly recommend right now).

It helps you to let go and release if even for a moment out of your day, all the troubles you are facing.

Numerology Card of the Week — Physical Activity

PA The Numerology Card of the Week

for July 16th to July 22, 2016

Number 67 Physical Activity ~ This card indicates a need to exercise which reduces stress hormones and releases “feel good” endorphins in the brain

It Creates an overall sense of well-being, self confidence, and peace.  Because you attract what you feel, when you consistently feel good, you invite blessings in your life.

Regular physical activity can better your life in a variety of ways.  It can enhance your physical and psychological well-being and reduce the risk of obesity and other conditions.

When it comes to manifestation, exercise increases the energy flow throughout your body, which helps release toxins and negative emotions.

This in turn raises your overall vibration and enhances your connection to Source.

Senior Dating: Where Do You Begin?

Senior dating, where do you begin? That’s a good question and one I hear often from my clients looking to get back out there.

Dating has changed so much since most of us seniors were even thinking about it, let alone having to start all over again.

Personally for me, I was 50 when I got remarried and to be honest, I wasn’t looking to date or get married at the time. Actually, I had just told my friend I was tired of the dating thing and would probably just get a puppy to keep me company.

It can really be hard to even know where to begin, especially if you were married for many years or in a long term relationship. Divorce, passing of a spouse or life-long partner, whatever the reason, it doesn’t get easier. It’s especially hard if you were in an abusive marriage or relationship, or your partner cheated.

It takes a lot for you to trust again. It’s not any easier if you were in a loving marriage or relationship and your partner passed away. I’ve heard many widows and widowers say they feel like they would be cheating if they were to get into dating or even remarried. Your friends and family keep telling you to get back out there but they have no idea you don’t even know how or where to begin.

Numerology Card of the Week — Creativity

creativity The Numerology Card of the Week

for July 9th to 15th July 8, 2016

Number 3 Creativity ~ This card indicates a need to reconnect with your creative side to improve your quality of life and align yourself with Source.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to step out of your practical, logical mind and the seriousness of your life in order to partake in lighthearted endeavors that are stimulating and fun.

Playful, creative expression is important because it raises your vibration, which brings you closer to your dreams.

This is the time to immerse yourself in any creative endeavor that lifts your spirits and makes you feel good.

It might take the form of playing a musical instrument, painting, writing, cooking, designing. Just as long as it brings you happiness, contentment and joy.

Numerology Card of the Week — Love

LoveThe Numerology Card of The Week For July 2 to July 8, 2016

Number 6 Love ~ This card indicates a need to see the world through the eyes of love, and to remember at all times that only love is real.

When you look beyond the illusion to see the beauty in the world, you align yourself with the Source and the intentions of your soul.

Because you attract to you what you already “are,” when you see through the eyes of love, that’s what will surround you in all areas of your life.

This card also indicates a need to go within to recognize and address any limiting thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back from experiencing love.

This is a time when you must ask yourself,  “Am I truly open to giving and receiving love?” “Do I truly believe I am worthy of love?” and “Do I really believe that love exists for me?”

Numerology Card of the Week — Domestic Harmony

The Numerology Card of The Week For June 25th to July 1, 2016


Number 46 ~ Domestic Harmony ~ This card indicates a time of healing your relationships and your home.

This may relate to a troubled relationship with a child, family member, ex or current partner, house guest, or roommate.

It could even relate to problems you have had with the actual house itself.  Either way, this card has been sent to advise you that your difficulties are being resolved and domestic happiness is within your reach.

This card can indicate a time to make a commitment to your present relationship by declaring your love and desire to take things to the next level.

It can also reveal a need to commit to your present residence by extending your lease, deciding not to sell, or making the necessary improvements to turn it into your perfect home.

Regardless, this card is encouraging you to make a commitment rather than walk away.

Numerology Card of the Week — Financial Discipline

The Numerology Card of The Week For June 18th to June 24, 2016

financial discipline

Number 48 ~ Financial Discipline ~ This card indicates a need for financial discipline if you wish to build a strong foundation for your future.

You are constantly surrounded by opportunities to attract abundance, however, you must follow up with action if you wish to see results.

Setting the intention to be financially secure and then taking appropriate steps (such as putting a little money aside each week.) is enough to shift your vibration toward the outcome you desire.

Perhaps you’ve been spending money on unnecessary things rather than saving for your dream.  Maybe a “play now, pay later” mentality has left you living on credit or in debt.

Perhaps it seems that money goes out faster than it comes in.  Whatever the case may be , you’re being encouraged to adopt an attitude of abundance.

Seek financial advice, budget, and attend a workshop or read a book about creating wealth.

Numerology Card of the Week — Self-Love

The Numerology Card of The Week For June 11th to June 17, 2016


Number 61 ~Self-Love ~ This card indicates a need to focus your attention on loving and believing in yourself.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to make your relationship with yourself your number one priority, as this is the key to happiness and the manifestation of your dreams.

Rather than dwell upon your shortcomings, you must accept and embrace who you are.

It is now time to start treating yourself like a friend by replacing your negative self-talk with positive affirmations.

Statements that affirm that you’re lovable, worthy, and perfect just as you are help raise your energy vibration and improve your life circumstances.

Set aside time to write down all the things you admire about yourself, such as your sense of humor, your smile, or your capacity to love.

Numerology Card of the Week — Personal Growth

The Numerology Card of The Week For June 4th to June 10, 2016


Number 7 ~Personal Growth ~ This card indicates a time of significant growth and improvement, when you are being encouraged to be the best you can be.

This is a time to ask yourself, “Who am I” “What do I want from my life? and “What is preventing me from achieving it?”

When you ask yourself these questions, observe whatever comes up. Then acknowledge your mental and physical limitations, set realistic goals for overcoming them, and take the necessary steps to follow through. 

With desire and determination, you can reach your full potential.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to investigate anything that helps raise your conscious awareness and enhances your self-esteem.  

It may be a book, CD, online seminar, workshop, health program, or working with an energy worker , therapist, or life coach.  Whatever suits your needs.