Articles for this day of June 2, 2021

Spotlight Reader of the Week – Psychic Jen


This Week’s Featured Reader is Psychic Jen. She has been an Intuitive Spiritual Advisor for over 20 years.

She began using her gifts by performing in-person readings for family and friends and then moved into phone readings. When she had children, she found providing phone services inappropriate, so she hooked up to the internet! She has provided her services internationally online via email and live sessions, through various web sites and portals.

She has done in-person readings in office, at clients homes and at events, and by appointments at a local metaphysical shoppe. However in 2008 she became separated and ultimately divorced, and stopped doing readings full time during 2009-2011.

During this time she was still in the Psychic Reading Industry by doing a few readings here and there, but her focus was at a methadone clinic, helping people in her community overcome their addictions and assisting them in finding a better life and showing them that change can happen!