Articles for this day of March 30, 2020

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Mar 30, 2020 – Apr 5, 2020

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Mar 30, 2020 – Apr 5, 2020:

We start the week with Mars leaving Capricorn behind on Monday and moving into Aquarius, where it will remain for the next 6 weeks (until May 13th). Mars transits bring action and energy to the area of a natal chart where the transit occurs. It also affects planets in a natal chart that it forms aspects to, which are in turn influenced by the sign placement (in this case Aquarius) as well as the house Mars is placed in and rules in the natal chart.

Mars in Aquarius is progressive, innovative, and forward thinking. It can also be eccentric and rebellious. It’s independant and individuated, with things like innovation, open-mindedness and social consciousness among its unique characteristics, It’s a champion for the underdog and not afraid to stand up out for those who have been marginalized or mistreated in some way.