Articles for this day of February 20, 2017

Tarot Card of the Week: Two of Wands

two of wands

Tarot Card of the Week: Feb 20 – Feb 26, 2017

Two of Wands

This week ends with a new Moon solar eclipse, as seen in the image of this card. But it’s the days leading up to it you most want to think about. The Two of Wands — like all Twos — refers to taking the spark of an idea (seen in the Aces) and forming it into a tangible, working plan.

This requires looking at it from all angles — weighing the pros and cons, evaluating time and energy, separating the wheat from the chaff and so on. This is beautifully represented in the imagery depicted on this version of the card.

In this version of the card — from Nathalie Hertz’s beautiful Fantastical Tarot — we see two leopards, one dark and one light, each standing watch by their own ornate pillars. The dark leopard is an exact mirror image of the light.

Their sleek bodies curve toward one another and become “one,” reminding us of the power of uniting opposing forces to make one stronger entity. The Sun shines high in the sky between them.

The key here is balance: you won’t be able to make something happen without careful consideration and planning. And all the planning in the world won’t cause your ideas to materialize without putting in the effort.