Articles for this day of January 25, 2017

Aquarius New Moon Card Reading: Pick a Card!

Aquarius New Moon

What does the next lunar cycle hold for you? Which of these hidden influences will be most significant for you with the upcoming Aquarius New Moon?

Relax and choose one card and then post your answer in the comments section below. You can also post your answer on the Psychic Scoop Facebook page.

The results with your specific message will be displayed at the next New Moon, which takes place on Saturday January 28th at 0:06 am UT (or Friday, January 27th at 7:06pm EST).

This month we’re offering twelve cards, each tied to twelve different areas of focus. The represent the Moon’s transit trough each degree of every sign throughout her 28-day lunar cycle.

There is one card for each of the 12 different zodiac signs, which will be turned over and revealed — with a special message for you — in time for Saturday’s New Moon.

These messages are derived from the Sabian Symbols, which were developed in 1925 when clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler and astrologer Marc Edmund Jones received messages from the world of spirit for every degree of the zodiac.

You can post your pick here in the comments section below, or you can choose your card and post your response on our Facebook page.

This is a monthly feature posted prior to the New Moon each month — so be sure to take part in all of them.