Articles for this day of February 22, 2016

Tarot Card of the Week: Perception



Perception – Emerald Stone:
“The heart knows what the eyes cannot see.”

Tarot Card of the Week: Feb 22 – Feb 28, 2016


This week’s card is “Perception,” from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle deck by world renowned psychic, Tori Hartman.

A princess wanders into her untended garden and finds a beautiful and brilliant emerald stone. The stone speaks and tells the princess to open an old wooden door. She enters a dark corridor and the door slams shut.

Afraid, she moves forward until her hand falls upon another door. It opens to reveal the same garden she left behind; only now it is beautiful, filled with flowers, butterflies, and birds. It is magnificent and familiar.

This card is about transformation in the heart, a shift in perception, the unknown and a promise of a richer experience in life.

We can ask ourselves: What in my life needs tending?

The Emerald Stone represents our heart chakra, which resonates with the colour green and radiating bright green healing light. The butterflies speak of transformation, rebirth and possibility. The little birds represent viewing things from a higher perspective.

The princess is turning away from the darkness of the door and towards the light beautiful and abundant garden.