Articles for the Month of September 2015


The heart wants what it wants.

Love is a powerful thing, so is desire and focus, as we focus on a person and wanting to be with them, it is easy to feel they are wanting the same thing.

Often there is a mutual synergy and it’s simply that the other person is at a different place emotionally or mentally, I can help look at situations through my empathic, intuitive gifts and see the course unfolding.

In the meantime, I can help you develop a stronger, more focused you, one that draws them to you, like a moth to a flame, as you embark on what fulfills you, oftentimes, they will be drawn to you like never before!

The Three Card Tarot Spread

three card tarot spread

A few people have asked me about a three card tarot spread that I sometimes use to get quick insights into a client’s question.

In my private practice I generally do a 12-card hybrid astrology / tarot spread that I developed years ago and which has evolved over time.

But for quickie sessions or to provide added insight into a question that needs a bit more clarity, I highly recommend a 3-card spread.  By this I simply mean laying down three cards and reading them from left to right (or left, right, center — in that order).

By the way, I didn’t invent this spread. There are numerous variations out there and many — like the comprehensive system developed by Robert M. Place and outlined in his book The Tarot: History, Symbolism and Divination — have proven themselves to be relevant.

There are a few ways to approach doing a three card spread, depending on the nature of the questions involved:

Soulmate vs Lifemate part 3 (transcribed group session with Malia)

soulmate vs lifemate

The following is the transcribed version of a recorded Empath Group session with Malia via  Soulmate vs Lifemate: What is a soulmate and what is a lifemate?

Introduction to soulmate vs lifemate conversation:

For the sake of clarity, a reading/session with me (Malia) is an interpretation of visual (clairvoyant) and audio (clairaudient) information, along with physically felt sensations (empathic and clairsentient) information. There are times you hear me say “they are saying.” There are times I am describing what I am seeing. Also, there are times I am feeling my way through a question. I do try to make it clear how the information comes through, but it is not always as easy as it might seem to switch gears and stop tuning in so that I might tell you.  As well, there are times I am interpreting multiple “frequencies” (you might compare this experience to having a conversation with multiple guides and then relaying that information to you, the audience). Thank you for your presence in this experience with me 🙂     

Crystal Therapy: Five Crystals for Angelic Connection

Connecting to angels can be a beautiful way of connecting to Spirit. This week’s topic for discussion is using crystal therapy to help you connect to these high vibration beings that exist in our reality.

To begin let’s discuss angels briefly. Angels are an extension of our source, and are loving, light beings that can help us in our everyday life. They are ministers of the Divine, and bring Divine energy and healing energy. There are different classes of angels such as guardian angels, archangels, and the ministry of angels. From my experience when clients are first connecting to angels it is best to start with their guardian angel, because the guardian angel is often familiar energy. This is the angel that has been with you from birth, and has a mandate to follow you through your entire life experience.

Tarot Card of the Week: Seven of Swords

archeon tarot

Seven of Swords

Tarot Card of the Week: September 7 – September 13

Seven of Swords

This week’s card is the Seven of Swords from Timothy Lantz’s gorgeous Archeon Tarot.

The Seven of Swords requires you to trust in your instincts and stay tuned into your environment. It’s a card of strategy, cunning and ingenuity, which can also translate as conniving and duplicitous.

The Seven of Swords — like all sevens — speaks of difficult choices and moral dilemmas. There are temptations disguised as opportunities, which could turn out to be more than you bargained for in the end.

The raven in this version of the card is perched before the light of a full moon, a glowing sun time-piece dangling from his beak.

A Native American legend tells of a snow white bird who steals the sun and moon and places them in the night sky. The sun is so hot that it chars his white feathers, rendering them permanently black.This becomes the raven.

Notice the four swords piercing the moon and the three that are penetrating the earth below it. The moon represents mystery, illusion and the depths of the human psyche; we can see this as a need to penetrate the veil that obscures our motivations.

Be Engaged in the Now

wayne dyer

This week one of the greatest motivational speakers and self help authors of all time, Dr. Wayne Dyer departed the earthly plane. As a tribute to our beloved Dr. Dyer I am choosing a card from his Inspiration Cards Deck. Written on the card are these words:

“Thinking about where you’ve been or what you did wrong in the past are impediments to an inspired life. When you’re inspired you’re actually engaged in the now. In an infinite and never ending Universe there is no past.”

Weekly Astro Forecast — Sept 6 – Sept 12, 2015

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Astrology Forecast for the week of Sept 6 – Sept 12, 2015:

Venus turns direct on Sunday after 6 weeks in retrograde motion. You should start to notice a shift in energy related to all things Venus — especially love and romance. Relationships that started during this period —  as well as romantic attractions that were sparked — will be seen in a whole new light.

Relax, People Tell You All The Time, But How Do You Do It?


Relax is easy to say, but often very hard to do.

I hear it all the time, you just need to relax. What they don’t tell me is how to go about it. Oh sure, they say just breathe, do yoga or meditate, but how do I shut off my mind so I can actually do any of these things.

While I just usually say thanks for the advice and then go off and figure out my own way to relax, I didn’t take into account how many other people are just like me. This was actually brought to my attention recently by one of my favorite personal clients.

She is the type of client that realizes a reading can’t fix things for her, but instead guide her through the process. She has graciously allowed me to share her story with you, but for confidentiality, I will be calling her Miss M.

Multiple Marriages in the Natal Chart

Can your natal chart show that you may have multiple marriages? What are the indicators, and what will be activated at the time you get married again? This can be seen in your chart!

I wrote an article at the beginning of the year outlining Jennifer Aniston’s chart and what was going when she married Brad Pitt. She has recently remarried, so it should be interesting to see if she had indications again that she would marry.

The Invisible Man: Part 3 of 12

Invisible Man

This is the third part in a 12-part series called “The Invisible Man.”

This series came about as a result of a client who was struggling with a breakup and seeking questions about the demise of her relationship.

To Recap: The client whom we will call “Annie” was stuck at the cross-roads for many years regarding this breakup, which she never saw coming…

Annie is a long time client who she asked me to go into detail about a man (whom we’ll call “James Bond”) that she was engaged to in the past.

Annie thought she knew James Bond inside and out, but when the relationship ended, unexpectedly, without closure, she realized she did not know him as good as she thought she did!



I am an international psychic with an extensive client base and also write articles and horoscopes for several psychic sites.

My readings usually focus on the present and immediate future but also look at the past to see where the problems you are facing right now have originated.

This can help you in finding your best way forward as it can show you how to change patterns in relationships and take control again.

Sometimes you may feel confused and not sure of your way forward. To help ground yourself before speaking with me you may wish to ask yourself the following questions. What is going on for me at the moment? What is it that I need or want? How do I make it happen?

Crystal Therapy: Five Crystals for Forgiveness

This week we are discussing forgiveness, and crystals that are associated with releasing stuck energy due to past events. Before we discuss crystals, let’s first look at the process of forgiveness and what it is and is not.

Forgiveness is not letting someone get away with something, it is not allowing bad behavior to continue, and it is not forgetting. What forgiveness can do for us is that it allows us to be free. When someone wounds us, energy can get stuck within us. Stuck energy is very uncomfortable energy, because it is a form of conflict in our life experience. Our lives are like a moving river, and if you have ever been on a torrential moving river it is not fun being stuck. Forgiveness is the process of getting back into the flow of life, and learning from the patterns of the past. By being willing to forgive we find the power to live.