Articles for this day of September 1, 2015



I am an international psychic with an extensive client base and also write articles and horoscopes for several psychic sites.

My readings usually focus on the present and immediate future but also look at the past to see where the problems you are facing right now have originated.

This can help you in finding your best way forward as it can show you how to change patterns in relationships and take control again.

Sometimes you may feel confused and not sure of your way forward. To help ground yourself before speaking with me you may wish to ask yourself the following questions. What is going on for me at the moment? What is it that I need or want? How do I make it happen?

Crystal Therapy: Five Crystals for Forgiveness

This week we are discussing forgiveness, and crystals that are associated with releasing stuck energy due to past events. Before we discuss crystals, let’s first look at the process of forgiveness and what it is and is not.

Forgiveness is not letting someone get away with something, it is not allowing bad behavior to continue, and it is not forgetting. What forgiveness can do for us is that it allows us to be free. When someone wounds us, energy can get stuck within us. Stuck energy is very uncomfortable energy, because it is a form of conflict in our life experience. Our lives are like a moving river, and if you have ever been on a torrential moving river it is not fun being stuck. Forgiveness is the process of getting back into the flow of life, and learning from the patterns of the past. By being willing to forgive we find the power to live.

September 2015 Horoscopes

September 2015 Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Virgo! 

Here are the astrological highlights for September.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month. This month’s New Moon is a Partial Solar Eclipse on Sept 13th at 20° Virgo 10″.  The Full Moon is a Total Lunar Eclipse on Sept 28th at 4° Aries 40″.

Retrogrades: Venus turns direct on Sept 6th at 14° Leo 23″. Mercury turns retrograde on Sept 17th at 15° Libra 54″. Pluto turns direct on Sept 25th at 12° Capricorn 58. Chiron, Uranus and Neptune are all retrograde for the entire month.

Ingresses: Saturn enters Sagittarius on Sept 18th; the Sun enters Libra on Sept 23rd; Mars enters Virgo on Sept 25th.