Articles for this day of August 10, 2015

Tarot Card of the Week: Eight of Swords


Tarot Card of the Week: August 10 – August 16

Are The Furies Visiting Your Thoughts?

You arrive at the path of the furies visiting your thoughts… The Eights represent the status of your relationship. In the distance, there are nasty storm clouds hovering over the mountains! These storm clouds represent the storm of uncertainty that is brewing in the Archetypes thoughts!

This week you might feel trapped in an uncomfortable situation that is self-inflicted through fear, or the consequence of a choice you need to make. You’ll need to make the effort to free your thoughts from being jailed in the situation, or feeling hopeless, or feeling sorry for yourself, or feeling like you’re experiencing another stinging event that is out of your control!

You need to remember that fear will paralyze you straight in your tracks if you let it, and you won’t be able to act on what needs to be done. Do you fear confrontation? Do you fear hurting someone and burning your bridges? What do you fear this week?

Decode And Learn The Secrets Of Symbols And The Stories They Tell… You’re going to break out of this self-inflicted situation rather quickly because the mountains in this card are close.

When the mountains are close they represent a fast timing, but when the mountains are far away they represent the opposite!