Articles for this day of June 26, 2015

How to Create a Love Shrine

Before you create your shrine you need to set your intention. Are you wanting to draw love near you? What are you wanting? What type of person do you want? Is there someone you are already in love with and dating that you want to draw closer to you?

If so you can create a very special shrine that draws this energy to you. If you want something you need to know specifically what you want. You need to know the type of person, characteristics, and the outcome that you have in mind. Do you want a family with this person? Do you want children or a house? Do you want any pets?

Get a very clear vision of the type of life you would like for yourself and the type of relationship you want. Visualize a kind relationship that is mutual and without worry.

If you are working towards a specific person think about what you like about them, what makes them special to you. Why is this person so different from any other person? Think about what they like. Do they like flowers? Do they like candles? Do they have a favorite smell to them?