Articles for this day of May 20, 2015

Tarot Card of the Week — Two of Pentacles


The Two of Pentacles for May 20-26:

In this version of The Mythic Tarot we see the skillful artist Daedalus of Greek mythology. He stands at his workbench, and holds up his two greatest inventions, the axe and the saw.  His workbench is supported by two large pentacles. (In Tarot Pentacles represent the building of wealth or the path to abundance.)

The items on the bench represent all the things he can do, giving all who see him the impression that all things are possible.

The number Two in Tarot represents a need for balance. The Two of Pentacles shows us that  you may be in a position where there are conflicting interests. You see two paths and you aren’t sure if you should complete one thing or abandoned it completely and start new.  You may also discover a need to balance work and family life.

The Two of Pentacles shows Daedalus hard at work and usually forsaking everything else but his art. You may want to rethink your position and choose the quality of life taking breaks from work to enjoy friends or family.

This card also represents the need to balance what you want to do and what you should do in your life. Just remember if you choose to do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.