Articles for this day of January 8, 2015

Healing Your Relationship with Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a pink quartz crystal that resonates with the energy of love.

It is no wonder that it is known as the Love Stone as its energy is profoundly effective in attracting new love, intimacy and romance.

This soft essence of this crystal is also symbolic of peace and calm energy. Thought to have been used as a love stone as far back in history as 600 B.C, the properties of this gemstone are also very effective at healing personal relationships.

The soft soothing energy of this crystal will resonate out into your entire aura.

Like all crystals it is a profound amplifier of energy. Because Rose Quartz is a heart chakra stone, its energy aligns with the heart area. With a sublime and balancing energy it can also assist in physical problems.