Articles for this day of February 11, 2017

Numerology Card of the Week — Parenting

The Numerology Card of the Week

for Feb 11th  to Feb 17, 2017

Number 63 ~ Parenting  

This card indicates that you have a natural gift for parenting and working with children.

Perhaps you have a child or children of your own, or maybe there are children within your extended family or circle of friends.

Maybe you play the parental role within your relationships with others who tend to behave like children .

Whatever the case may be, your ability to teach, nurture, and guide the next generation raises the vibration of the world.  Every ounce of time, attention, love, and support you invest in a child pays dividends down the road.

This is a time to honor and embrace the significant role you play in the life of a child whether it is your own or that of a partner, neighbor, relative, client, or friend. 

Don’t underestimate the importance of your unconditional love and guidance, because even a small gesture can have a massive impact on a child’s life.