
Tarot Card of the Week: The Death Card

Tarot of the Week — July 1 – July 7


The Death card is one of the most commonly known of all the Tarot cards.

It has been used in movies, television, and books as an omen of and associated with things to come.

The Death card can certainly be viewed this way. I have found, in my personal experience, that Death coming up in a spread is not always a bad thing.

Archetype of the Death Card

In the Major Arcana the archetypal picture of Death is not unlike the physical experience of Death.

One thing that is important to point out here is that Death does not mean a physical Death.

The best way to explain the Death card in the Tarot is that it represents a transformation or change that is so profound that there is no going back to the way things were before.

Consider a physical death. It is a transition from one reality to another. You can call it heaven, the spirit world, the astral plane, or movement onto a new life.

However you put it, death itself represents a profound shift or change, and of course there is no going back to the way things were before.

Tarot Card of The Week Six of Wands

Six of WandsTarot Card of the Week: Jun 3 – June 9, 2015

Six of Wands

The Six of Wands, taken from the Crystal Visions Tarot, is a card of victory, triumph and success, so a very good card for an outcome.

Wands represent fire, and the Six of Wands reflects the Zodiac sign of Leo. We can see all of this in the picture depicted on the card.

The champion emerges from the struggle as a hero. He stands on a mountain top holding a torch of victory in one hand and a crystal ball in the other, a symbol of vision and enlightenment. The triumphant lion (Leo) beside him is a symbol of strength and power.

The number six in its numerical value is the caretaker, harmonious, stable and balanced. Hawthorne is the medicinal aspect of the six of wands, it’s often used for issues regarding the blood and heart.

Other medical issues involving lowering cholesterol and digestive problems. Just keep in mind, before taking anything, always check with your physician.

Upright, the Six of Wands is a card of triumph, victory after strife or effort. Success, good news, advancement as a result of previous work. It can also signify a journey over land.