
Numerology Card of the Week — Creativity

creativity The Numerology Card of the Week

for July 9th to 15th July 8, 2016

Number 3 Creativity ~ This card indicates a need to reconnect with your creative side to improve your quality of life and align yourself with Source.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to step out of your practical, logical mind and the seriousness of your life in order to partake in lighthearted endeavors that are stimulating and fun.

Playful, creative expression is important because it raises your vibration, which brings you closer to your dreams.

This is the time to immerse yourself in any creative endeavor that lifts your spirits and makes you feel good.

It might take the form of playing a musical instrument, painting, writing, cooking, designing. Just as long as it brings you happiness, contentment and joy.

Numerology Card of the Week — Love

LoveThe Numerology Card of The Week For July 2 to July 8, 2016

Number 6 Love ~ This card indicates a need to see the world through the eyes of love, and to remember at all times that only love is real.

When you look beyond the illusion to see the beauty in the world, you align yourself with the Source and the intentions of your soul.

Because you attract to you what you already “are,” when you see through the eyes of love, that’s what will surround you in all areas of your life.

This card also indicates a need to go within to recognize and address any limiting thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back from experiencing love.

This is a time when you must ask yourself,  “Am I truly open to giving and receiving love?” “Do I truly believe I am worthy of love?” and “Do I really believe that love exists for me?”

Numerology Card of the Week — Domestic Harmony

The Numerology Card of The Week For June 25th to July 1, 2016


Number 46 ~ Domestic Harmony ~ This card indicates a time of healing your relationships and your home.

This may relate to a troubled relationship with a child, family member, ex or current partner, house guest, or roommate.

It could even relate to problems you have had with the actual house itself.  Either way, this card has been sent to advise you that your difficulties are being resolved and domestic happiness is within your reach.

This card can indicate a time to make a commitment to your present relationship by declaring your love and desire to take things to the next level.

It can also reveal a need to commit to your present residence by extending your lease, deciding not to sell, or making the necessary improvements to turn it into your perfect home.

Regardless, this card is encouraging you to make a commitment rather than walk away.

Numerology Card of the Week — Financial Discipline

The Numerology Card of The Week For June 18th to June 24, 2016

financial discipline

Number 48 ~ Financial Discipline ~ This card indicates a need for financial discipline if you wish to build a strong foundation for your future.

You are constantly surrounded by opportunities to attract abundance, however, you must follow up with action if you wish to see results.

Setting the intention to be financially secure and then taking appropriate steps (such as putting a little money aside each week.) is enough to shift your vibration toward the outcome you desire.

Perhaps you’ve been spending money on unnecessary things rather than saving for your dream.  Maybe a “play now, pay later” mentality has left you living on credit or in debt.

Perhaps it seems that money goes out faster than it comes in.  Whatever the case may be , you’re being encouraged to adopt an attitude of abundance.

Seek financial advice, budget, and attend a workshop or read a book about creating wealth.

Numerology Card of the Week — Self-Love

The Numerology Card of The Week For June 11th to June 17, 2016


Number 61 ~Self-Love ~ This card indicates a need to focus your attention on loving and believing in yourself.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to make your relationship with yourself your number one priority, as this is the key to happiness and the manifestation of your dreams.

Rather than dwell upon your shortcomings, you must accept and embrace who you are.

It is now time to start treating yourself like a friend by replacing your negative self-talk with positive affirmations.

Statements that affirm that you’re lovable, worthy, and perfect just as you are help raise your energy vibration and improve your life circumstances.

Set aside time to write down all the things you admire about yourself, such as your sense of humor, your smile, or your capacity to love.

Numerology Card of the Week — Personal Growth

The Numerology Card of The Week For June 4th to June 10, 2016


Number 7 ~Personal Growth ~ This card indicates a time of significant growth and improvement, when you are being encouraged to be the best you can be.

This is a time to ask yourself, “Who am I” “What do I want from my life? and “What is preventing me from achieving it?”

When you ask yourself these questions, observe whatever comes up. Then acknowledge your mental and physical limitations, set realistic goals for overcoming them, and take the necessary steps to follow through. 

With desire and determination, you can reach your full potential.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to investigate anything that helps raise your conscious awareness and enhances your self-esteem.  

It may be a book, CD, online seminar, workshop, health program, or working with an energy worker , therapist, or life coach.  Whatever suits your needs.

Numerology Card of the Week — Rebirth

The Numerology Card of The Week For May 28th  to June 3, 2016 is:


Number 16 ~ Rebirth ~ This card indicates a time of major transition and transformation that will result in significant personal growth.

By drawing this card, you have entered a period of spiritual awakening and rebirth, where you have the opportunity to align with your higher self and the overarching principles that guide you.

This is where you surrender to the changes around you and prepare to be the best you can be.

This is a time to recognize and rise above any ego-based thoughts and behaviors, for humility and authenticity are the keys to your success

In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that are leading you towards a higher level of understanding and awareness.

Numerology Card of the Week — Spirituality

The Numerology Card of The Week For May 21st  to May 27, 2016 is:

77 -- Spirituality

Number 77 ~This card indicates a need to enhance your connection to the Divine to improve your relationship with yourself, as well as your quality of life.

Your not a human being having a spiritual experience; your a spiritual being having a human experience and your relationship with Source is your path to inner peace.

When you find your way to God, you find your way back home.

Even though you have no control over “how” or “when” things will unfold, Divine timing and order will ensure that everything serves your greater good.

By selecting this card, you are being encouraged to celebrate and strengthen your relationship with the Divine in whichever way you choose. 

You may decide to pray, meditate, chant, or do yoga, or even periods of silence.

Only you can know your ultimate path to God.

Numerology Card of the Week — Follow Your Dreams

The Numerology Card of The Week For May 14th to May 20, 2016 is:


Number 85 ~ indicates a time to reach for the stars and follow your dreams, whatever they may be.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to put your hopes and dreams at the forefront of your mind and believe without a doubt that they are really coming true.

Pay no mind to poverty-consciousness, fear, or competition, because the Universe is abundant; and there is no limitations.

Even though you have no control over “how” or “when” things will unfold, Divine timing and order will ensure that everything serves your greater good.

Even when you feel as if success is way beyond your reach, never give up on your dreams, because they really will come true.

In order to improve your current situation, you’re asked to adjust to and harmonize with the natural rhythm and cycles of your life — cycles that are encouraging you to keep following your dreams.

Numerology Card of the Week — Time-Out

The Numerology Card of The Week For May 7th to May 13, 2016 is:


Number 37 — Time-Out: This card indicates a need to take a time-out from your busy schedule and the hustle and bustle of life.

Perhaps you have been working too hard or have a lot going on.  Maybe you’ve been tired, irritable, and anxious, or just generally feeling unwell.

If you have been under stress or any kind or have been spending time in a negative or toxic environment you must remove yourself from the situation to heal and recharge.

This is the perfect time to take a vacation.  Even a day or two away will revitalize and recharge your soul.

You don’t necessarily need to leave your house: you could lay around the house, but if so make sure you unplug your computer and shut off your phone.

In order to improve your current situation, you’re asked to adjust to and harmonize with the natural rhythm and cycles of your life — cycles that are encouraging you to take time-out  for you.

Numerology Card of the Week — Abundance

The Numerology Card of The Week For April 30th to May 6, 2016 is:


Number 88~Abundance: This card indicates a need to adopt an attitude of abundance in order to attract it into your life.

By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to recognize the numerous opportunities in front of you, for the Universe is bountiful, and there is plenty to go around.

Since you attract what you believe, you must improve your perception of the world.

Replace your thoughts of scarcity, competition, and shortage with feelings of abundance, prosperity, and hope.. 

Perhaps you were brought up to believe that money does not grow on trees. Or maybe you aren’t convinced you deserve to be happy, successful, and prosperous. 

When you change your perception, you change the circumstances of your life.

In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life — cycles that are encouraging you to adopt an attitude of abundance.

Numerology Card of the Week — Spiritual Partnership

The Numerology Card of The Week For April 23rd to April 29, 2016 is:


Number 27~Spiritual Partnership:  This card indicates a time when a significant spiritual relationship is about to be forged. 

Perhaps it comes in the form of a friendship between like-minded souls on a similar journey toward enlightenment. 

Or maybe it’s a master/disciple relationship where an important individual enters your life.

The saying goes, “when the student is ready”, the teacher will appear”, and when yours arrives, he or she will assist you in expanding your spiritual growth.

During the course of this relationship, you will play the role of both teacher and student, and the wisdom gained from this experience will enhance your connection to Source. 

Perhaps a spiritually minded person will broaden your under-standing of the Divine.  Or maybe you become a catalyst in another’s spiritual journey and help the individual on his or her path.