
Crystal Therapy: Top Five Healing Crystals

In our crystal therapy session today we will be discussing stones and crystals that have healing energetic properties. Crystals and their energy are by nature healing. So, today we are going to highlight a few crystals that have a specific vibrational quality to heal, and are especially complimentary therapy to your other healing strategies.

Crystal Therapy: Five Crystals to Dissolve Negative Energy

Today’s crystal therapy session is all about dissolving and dispelling negative energy. It can be challenging to stay focused when we are surrounded by negative energy. Sometimes our work places can and even our home environments can be emotionally toxic environments that can make it difficult for us to stay in a positive frame of mind. Crystal therapy is one thing that we can apply to our everyday lives to assist us in dissolving negative energy.

Angel of Kindness

I had an encounter about a month ago with the angel of kindness. As I painted her, and engaged with her I didn’t realize the green triangle had formed around her.

The following morning after painting the picture I had encountered the archangel Raphael who said to me, “I stand behind kindness, for it is kindness that facilitates all healing.”

I realized that the green triangle was Raphael, whose name literally means God heals.  I then realized that it is through kindness that all healing is facilitated.

Crystal Therapy: 3 Ways to Develop Intention For Crystals

In previous blogs I have discussed how to clear the energy from minerals & crystals, and also how to activate the matrix energy that exists within minerals & crystals. Now it’s time to discuss practical use. Crystal energy is subtle energy, and aligns itself with your intentions. The best way to use crystals in your everyday life is to set an intention for crystals. Here are three great ways to set your intention.

Seven Roadblocks to Avoid on Your Spiritual Path

The pathways to spiritual growth have never been wider or included more avenues of exploration.

The modern spiritual seeker has a myriad of resources and information: gurus, teachers, therapy, self-growth, spirituality, religion, yoga, mindfulness training, meditation; the list is seemingly endless and there’s a path for everyone.

Spiritual connection can help people find their center, a connection to God or the Divine, greater wisdom in their daily lives and greater capacity towards love and compassion.

What if Money Were No Object?

Alan Watts, the philosopher of the 60s and 70s explains, in a short and beautiful way, what you can become or what you can do if money were no object.

But even more importantly how to live life with freedom from the constraints that society places on us.

Watts, who died in 1973, helped explain Eastern philosophy and approaches to life and being in a way that Westerners like me can understand.

His work endures today in his writings and videos that his son, Mark Watts, has preserved and shares with the world.

Better than “The Secret” this video is perfect for people who can take 10 minute break from there life and listen to Watt’s three minute talk on the subject and the incredible meditational music played by Niraj Naik.

Mastering the Art of Manifestation


Did you know that the greatest gift you have been given is your imagination?

Everything that now exists was once imagined or thought of.

In this  hour long video, Dr. Wayne Dyer explains that Law of Attraction is just a fragment of the puzzle, that the real secret is connecting to that quiet place, that place of space where everything is possible.

It may sound hard to do but it isn’t. I recently stayed up to watch one of Dr. Wayne Dyers talks on Youtube.

This talk, “Mastering the Art of Manifesting” was from his Wanderlust Festival Speakeasy appearance in Squaw Valley 2012. The Youtube video was posted a year later.

Dr. Dyer is now 74-years old and has conquered leukemia with Brickman yoga and healings from John of God.