
THE LOVE FILES: Your Relationship History

Relationship History

Have you ever sat down and wondered why you draw the same type of person into your love life giving you the same negative outcome to the relationship?

Let’s face it if you were drawing the right type of person into your love life you would have a better chance at a positive outcome.

There may be something you are playing out from your childhood or what you saw and experienced within your parents’ relationship that you are equating with love. However, if your parents’ relationship was not that great and let’s face it many are not as they are only doing the best they can with the past experiences they have then you may find yourself repeating their pattern without consciously being aware of it.

Sometimes you will find your parents had a great relationship but you have been drawn into bad relationship choices yourself and put at the receiving end of someone else’s idea of what a relationship is all about. Let’s call this living up to your partner’s expectations of what love is and how a relationship is meant to proceed and there’s about as many different types of expectations as you can imagine.

THE LOVE FILES – Relationship Series

Love Files

Ever wondered why you feel so drawn to someone and they are not possibly that drawn back to you?

Wondering what you can do about it or how to protect yourself and your own boundaries.

There are actually many ways you can strengthen your boundaries ensuring you are not pulled into a situation you do not want to be a part of.

Sometimes relationships can feel as if they are all a blur with no real rhythm or reason as to what the rules are or how they are meant to work. We all have different thoughts on what we want our relationships to be and sometimes we miss that what we want is not what the other person actually wants.

Over the next few weeks I will be looking at the following as well as other areas of your relationship that you have questions on and giving you advice on changes you can make.

November 2014 Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Scorpio! Here are highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month.

Full Moon: The Full Moon occurs on November 6th at 14° Taurus 25′.

New Moon: The New Moon is November 24 at 0° Sagittarius 07′.

Retrogrades: Neptune turns direct on November 16th at 4° Pisces 47′. Chiron turns direct on November 23rd at 13° Pisces 05′. Uranus is retrograde for the entire month of November.

Ingresses: Mercury enters Scorpio on November 8th. Venus enters Sagittarius on November 16th. The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22nd. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 28th.