
Tarot Card of the Week: Three of Wands

archeon tarot

Three of Wands

Tarot Card of the Week: March 21 –  March 27

Three of Wands

This week you may feel like you’re bursting at the seams with all the passion and confidence you’ll need to put some of your biggest long-term goals in place.

The Three of Wands speaks of a renewed sense of purpose, clarity and motivation – the desire and willingness to “make something happen!”

You may already have a new project in the works, in which case you’re probably beginning to see the fruits of your labors pay off. Or you may be on the verge of launching a new project, and if that’s the case, there’s no better time than the present.

The Three of Wands embodies such a powerful life-force energy that it never permits itself to be “still.” It’s always moving, improving and evolving.

Notice how the Pegasus in this deck is both watching over his shoulder (toward what has already been accomplished) and preparing to take flight.

There’s a nobility also associated with this card, which is befitting the majestic stance of our winged friend.

Tarot Card of the Week: Seven of Swords

archeon tarot

Seven of Swords

Tarot Card of the Week: September 7 – September 13

Seven of Swords

This week’s card is the Seven of Swords from Timothy Lantz’s gorgeous Archeon Tarot.

The Seven of Swords requires you to trust in your instincts and stay tuned into your environment. It’s a card of strategy, cunning and ingenuity, which can also translate as conniving and duplicitous.

The Seven of Swords — like all sevens — speaks of difficult choices and moral dilemmas. There are temptations disguised as opportunities, which could turn out to be more than you bargained for in the end.

The raven in this version of the card is perched before the light of a full moon, a glowing sun time-piece dangling from his beak.

A Native American legend tells of a snow white bird who steals the sun and moon and places them in the night sky. The sun is so hot that it chars his white feathers, rendering them permanently black.This becomes the raven.

Notice the four swords piercing the moon and the three that are penetrating the earth below it. The moon represents mystery, illusion and the depths of the human psyche; we can see this as a need to penetrate the veil that obscures our motivations.