Top 5 Messages Related to Spirituality and Romance

Many of the readings I give clients are concerning relationships. In this article I would like to discuss common messages that Spirit provides about intimate relationships and love life. These common messages tend to come out in relationship readings, because Spirit is dedicated to the growth and evolution of every individual and every relationship related to spirituality and romance.

These messages are in no particular order, and are by no means a concise list of spiritual recommendations concerning intimate relationships. I truly believe that every person who seeks fulfillment in their love life can benefit from these strategies, as I too have benefited from these messages that have been channeled by Spirit for my clients.

How to Spot a Romantic Intensity Addiction

Imagine a summer romance novel; a delicious story of romance and intrigue wherein our hero or heroine meets a potential partner so daring, dangerous, distant or complicated that their heart-breaking, intense and destructive pairing is the most fascinating and fun read ever.

But imagine if our heroine met  a broker with a stable job, a dog and a nice house, and they lived happily ever after instead? BORING!

Even though we live in a culture that pursues balance, prosperity and happiness, there’s a part of all of us that appreciates the dark, passionate, difficult entanglement of drama and intensity.

While passion and deep emotions are a natural part of our human nature and lend to the beauty of our lives, intensity and drama can also be addictive and, in extreme cases, this addiction can destroy relationships and lives.

Everyone likes intensity sometimes, but the relationship intensity-addict seeks out constant sources of excitement, seduction, and the giddy “highs” of sexual or emotional attraction but is never fulfilled or sated by these highs, so they seek them out over and over again in increasingly risky or limiting scenarios. They often see themselves simply  as poetic and hopeless romantics until they hit the same walls over and over.

How to Create a Love Shrine

Before you create your shrine you need to set your intention. Are you wanting to draw love near you? What are you wanting? What type of person do you want? Is there someone you are already in love with and dating that you want to draw closer to you?

If so you can create a very special shrine that draws this energy to you. If you want something you need to know specifically what you want. You need to know the type of person, characteristics, and the outcome that you have in mind. Do you want a family with this person? Do you want children or a house? Do you want any pets?

Get a very clear vision of the type of life you would like for yourself and the type of relationship you want. Visualize a kind relationship that is mutual and without worry.

If you are working towards a specific person think about what you like about them, what makes them special to you. Why is this person so different from any other person? Think about what they like. Do they like flowers? Do they like candles? Do they have a favorite smell to them?

Ask a Psychic: Will I Reunite With My Ex?


This week’s question comes from woman (whom we’ll call Teresa) whose boyfriend broke up with her during the most recent Mercury retrograde.

She knows enough about astrology to know that things can go haywire during a Mercury retrograde, but probably doesn’t know enough about it to have understood that there were far bigger transits at work during this period, namely Saturn and Pluto transits.

She says she was blind-sided and didn’t see this coming. She’s wondering whether there is a chance for reconciliation and if so when.

Is He the One I Should Marry?

You have a great boyfriend, he’s met your friends, been home for the holidays to meet your folks, and now you’re embarking on the next steps of your journey together and considering long term commitment, marriage and family.

You’ve been taught through movies and books that you should “just know” and gracefully get on with the business of living happily ever after but in reality, this isn’t always the case. One of the most popular types of questions I encounter as an intuitive are those asked by anxious brides, grooms or people getting ready to get married are, “Is he the one I should marry?” and “how do I know if I’m making the right choice?”

Doubts aren’t  always a sign that your partner isn’t right for you, or that you will need to cancel the wedding invitations and fire the florist.  Doubts are simply a natural expression of our egos as we try to negotiate unknowns, changes and risks.

Finding Your Other Half

other half

One of the questions I get asked most frequently as a psychic is “When will I meet my soul mate?”

The term “soul mate” is often used interchangeably with “other half” but they’re essentially the same thing.

The question of when is often followed by how (as in under what circumstances) when it really should be more along the lines of “What changes can I make in myself to become the best version of me so that I can attract the right partner into my life?”

Let’s face it, most of us are looking for someone to share our lives with.

And for those of us who haven’t yet found that perfect someone, the desire to do so can become the strongest motivating factor in our lives.

But if motivation alone were enough to create happily-ever-afters, none of us would ever have to worry about finding our other halves.

Ask a Psychic: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

This week’s question comes from a client who has been in a long distance relationship for the past 7 months.

Things have been going well and even though they live in difference countries, they’ve made time to see each other at least twice a month.

But a recent death in the family prompted her to reach out to him, hoping he would be there for her when she needed him. Not only did he not come, he didn’t seem supportive at all.

She felt that he was annoyed with her for “expecting him to drop everything” and ended the conversation on a sour note.

An Easy Trick to Keep ‘End-Game’ Fears from Ruining Dating

The End-game.

Your feelings about the ultimate objective of dating can determine whether or not dating is stressful or successful for you. (Who wants to run a marathon if what’s at the finish line is scary?)

Here’s what one woman I worked with did to remedy those fears:

Barbara had always dreamed of a loving relationship. She’d been successful in her career and her intelligence and discipline had earned her advanced degrees and made her a highly sought professional.

Ask a Psychic: Where Do I Go From Here?


This week’s question comes from a client who is going through a very recent breakup.

Her boyfriend — whom we will call John — ended things with her saying that he had career opportunities in another region and did not see himself maintaining a long distance relationship.

Our client wonders whether this was the real reason he walked away or if it was just an excuse, as she suspects that his parents were not in favor of their union.

She’s now left wondering where she is to go from here? She’s seeing how she put a lot of other things aside — her own career goals for example — in order to focus her attention on the relationship with John.

Ask a Psychic: Can This Marriage Be Saved?


This week’s question comes from a woman whose marriage has suffered a series of what seem like insurmountable setbacks over the past two years.

She and her husband have been separated for more than a year, after confirmation of his earlier infidelity. She’s filed for divorce and has tried to go through the motions of moving on, but is struggling with that decision.

She still loves her husband and he says he loves her and wants to try again, but hasn’t taken steps to make that happen. In fact he hasn’t kept any of the promises he’s made.

Staying True To Yourself In A Relationship

being your true self in relationships

Changing you or allowing someone else to control you means you are not staying true to yourself in a relationship.

When I say relationship, this can not only mean a love relationship but also friends and family. You are either changing yourself to fit the relationship or allowing someone else to change you to the person they want you to be, not the real you.

This doesn’t mean the being on your best behavior on a first date or just meeting someone.

What I mean here is you either change your whole persona or allowing someone else to control what you do, say, wear and the list goes on until you are not the real you.

Think back to your days in middle school or high school. You wanted to fit in to a certain clique of people so you start dressing like them, acting different and sometimes even turning your back on childhood friends because they didn’t change to fit in to your new crowd.

How to Create a Conscious Relationship

As caretakers of our planet we are starting to become more conscious at all levels of our being.

As we evolve and expand our consciousness we are also being awakened to create conscious relationships.

Wherever we are on our relationship journey, creating a conscious relationship can be the most wonderfully fulfilling kind of relationship a person can have.

Conscious relationships require a certain level of awareness that can take us into a deeper sense of who we are.